-Chapter Six- The Vanishing Sword

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When Oliver woke from his fractured dreams, it was nearly an entire minute before he remembered the events of yesterday. For the briefest of moments, he nearly convinced himself it was all a dream, that he hadn't seen Mei Xing at the market. That the pain of the darkest memories he carried, did not resurface so vividly and intently, like the first morning sun of spring. Oliver sprang out of bed, hoping that a fresh awaking would dull his senses. To a degree it worked. The heating at Tree Top Castle, was void of magic, and relied on a coal furnace that the elves kept filled. It pumped tepid warm water through decaying copper pipes. It did little to keep out the freezing winds fresh off the Baltic Sea. The cold air smashed into Oliver's shirtless chest, his toned body's muscles flexed and tensed. He shivered. The chill was cleansing. He scratched the tattoo of the four, winged creatures that covered his left pec. It contained an image of three birds and a dragon. The only creature in the tattoo that wasn't a magical beast, was that of the eagle.

He picked up one of his wands that was resting on the bedside cabinet. It was the dragon-heartstring core. He gave it a flick and a ball of fire roared to life and floated in the middle of the room. The air instantly warmed. Oliver walked to the chest of draws and pulled out a T-shirt that he unpacked in to there on his arrival.

Putting the shirt on, he then pulled out a grey jumper and chucked that on. He vanquished the ball of fire, put his two wands up his sleeves and then ran his hands through his hair to make it presentable. He stared at the enchanted brandy bottle, which he had placed on a table in the corner. It was empty. He hadn't received any messages from Dumbledore since the one about the package from Shacklebolt. Oliver considered writing and sending a message to the headmaster. But he decided not to. There was nothing really to update on. The mission to find the Domantas Bracelet had not even started. Oliver needed to get the sword back first.

After a couple seconds of gazing at the bottle, he left the room and made his way to the dining hall.

As he entered, he was surprised to see Jynx and Finikis stood at the table, overlooking some books and maps. Finikis was eating some sliced artisan bread with sliced meats, as he read.

'You two are up early?' Said Oliver, as he made his way to the table. There was a large pot of tea and a tray of pastries on top. It wasn't made to his specific requirements, but it would do for his first beverage of the day.

'Yeah. Finikis wanted to get planning early.' Replied Jynx.

'I'm not sure what needs planning. We turn up. I handle it.' Said Oliver, as he picked up a pastry and bit into it.

'I vant to be prepared. Armands must pay for vot he done.' Said Finikis.

'I say we eat. Have showers. Then head on over. Stake the place out. Make sure she's in. Then we go in and ask her some questions. Simples.' Said Oliver, confidently.

'What if he is there or shows up. Should we wait for him?' Asked Jynx.

'I say we ask her. We could spend weeks in surveillance and he could be a no show. You'd be surprised how forthcoming people can be, when asked the proper questions. You would also be surprised on how long stakeouts can last and quite often, lead to nothing.'

'Are you certain?' Asked Finikis.

'Trust me.' Replied Oliver, as he swigged back his tea.

Finikis finished what he was eating and then folded up the maps and closed the books on the table.

'If you are certain. Ve go.'

Finikis piled the books together and summoned one of his house-elves to come and collect.

'Okay. Leave in von hour? Port key to split, then ve apparate from there.' Said Finikis. And as he finished speaking, he quickly left the room.

'So, what does a sixteen-year-old boy want in Knockturn Alley?' Asked Jynx, as she picked up a bread roll and tore a bit off before perching on a seat.

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