-Chapter Sixteen- Do the Means Justify the End

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The mystery that surrounded the Tear of Ra had ended, for Oliver anyway. He was now back at Bergmane castle, were an eerie silence pervaded the halls and walls. The events of the last twenty-four hours were slowly sinking in, like waking from a new and vivid nightmare.

The wind rapped against the bedroom window, as unsecured fixtures on the outside fluttered, causing a repetitive tapping sound. Oliver listened as he prepared several potions from mixers he had brought with him in his rucksack. He was rushing, his formulating wasn't as precise as he prided himself on. His haste was driven by the need to produce complex, powerful potions, with the ability to dry and prevent dark magic taking hold, or at least prolong any transformation.

Thick yellow smoked billowed from a vial that he held up, as he waved his wand over the vial, the smoke turned a jade green, this signalled to him that it was finally ready. Oliver paced quickly out of his room, down the hall and into Finikis' room. Inside, Finikis rested on the bed, Jynx was perched on the edge, to his side. She was wiping his brow with a cloth soaked in another elixir designed to heal. A bandage was fixed to the side of his neck, covering the vampiric puncture wounds. It was dry, no evidence of any strike through. The skill and care from Oliver and Jynx had stemmed and stopped the bleeding.

'Is he still conscious? We need him to drink this.' Asked Oliver, as he walked towards the bedside.

'He is in and out. I think I can stir him to take it.' Replied Jynx, as she took the vial.

Oliver watched on as Jynx struggled to get Finikis to drink the jade green portion that he recently brewed. Although it was difficult, she was successful in making him drink it all before he slipped back into slumber.

'Is this going to stop it?' Asked Jynx.

'No. As I told you. Faren was a vampire. Not a half a vampire. A true full blood if you will. There doesn't need to be a sharing of the blood. His bite contains enough vampiric venom to infect and potentially take hold.' Said Oliver, before pausing and reaching inside his pocket. 'I found this as well. Take it. You should make contact with Veralis. He specialises in dark creatures that infect in this way. He's in Albania and charges a lot. But I am certain Finikis can cover it.'

Jynx took the card and read the golden ink inscription. She watched as Oliver took out his wand and waved it over Finikis still body, it was clear that he was magically assessing him.

'I think that portion is having a good effect. I don't think there is anything else I can do for him now. Veralis, is the only one who might be able to do more. You should contact him straight away.' Said Oliver, as he placed his wand away.

'Should I continue with this?' Said Jynx as she looked towards the bowl of the elixir, she wiped on Finikis skin.

'Yes. I shall go draw up another brew now.' After Oliver spoke, he quickly left the room.

Walking down the hallway, he veered off from entering his room and made his way down to one of the large rooms at the end of the hallway. As he walked in, he was met with a barrage of shouts and shrieks.

'Let us go Auror. The Dark Lord will come for us. He may give you a quick death if you release us.' Said Dolohov.

'You would do good to let us go.' Joined in Rankin.

'Silencio.' Shouted Oliver, forcing silence on his three captives.

He closed the door behind him. His three prisoners were each tightly tied by rope, they floated in the air. Around them, in a circle, there was a detention line; a glowing white light that floated a few inches above the ground. Its function was to contain magic inside and out. It prevented any non-wand incantations within. It ensured that no magic words could summon help. Unbeknownst to Oliver at that time, it even prevented them from calling out Voldemort's name.

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