-Chapter Ten- The Chudley Cannons

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Oliver appeared at the doorway to Tree Top Castle. The apparation breached the protections around the estate, but it was not without cost. His nose trickled with blood, the distance travelled and the force used to push through the barrier with, caused a migraine and a nosebleed. He could not wipe the blood free as it dripped into his mouth. His hands were full, he was carrying a barely conscious Jynx. She was slumped in his arms. The wound on her head was healed over and her bleeding had been stemmed. The magical trauma was still present however.

The doors to the castle opened at the same moment, the house elf Voran apparated behind Oliver. He was carrying a box filled with papers taken from the Lenark house.

'Vhat the hell happened? Vhy take so long?' Shouted Finikis, as he raced towards them from inside.

'I thought it sensible to make sure she was safe for apparation. I also wanted Voran to collect things before we left. I'm sure the Death Eaters will be back. I wanted to be sure we took anything valuable.' Said Oliver, as he walked into the home. Voran shuffled in behind him.

'Take that into the library. Stay with it until I come back.' Ordered Oliver, as he headed towards the stairs.

Finikis followed Oliver closely. Panic and worry were all over his face. Oliver continued down the hallway into her bedroom and rested her on the bed.

'Stay with her. I'm just going to get my bag.' Said Oliver. Finikis sat on the edge of the bed as Oliver darted off to his room.

A few seconds later the ex-Auror rushed back in, bag unzipped, his hand delving deep inside. As he neared the bed, he placed the bag down and pulled out his hand. He was holding his wooden potion rack. He put it on the bedside and quickly mixed up a healing potion. A few drops from several different glass vials, created a glowing blue liquid.

'Jynx. Can you hear me? I need you to drink this.' Said Oliver, as he lifted her head to try to stir here.

Her eyes slowly opened as she became momentarily lucid. She accepted the elixir as he brought it to her lips. Taking generous sips of the glowing blue liquid, she managed to drink it all within a few seconds. Oliver gently lowered her head onto the pillow.

'That will remove the confundous element of the hex that hit her. She's lucky to be alive. That spell was sent with such force. But I think she'll be fine. She just needs time and rest.' Said Oliver, as he cleared away his potions.

'Are you sure she vill be okay?' Asked Finikis.

'Yes. She needs time to recover. But she will be fine.' Said Oliver, as he picked up his bag. 'Are you going to stay with her? I want to add some additional protection charms around the castle, in case the Death Eaters track us down. If that's okay of course?'

'Ya. Of course. Though they come here, I kill them.' Said Finikis, his voice sounded determined and enraged.

Oliver left the room on hearing the archduke giving his permission. He went outside the castle and shot spells at the stonework, reinforcing it from penetration and destruction. He also cast another shield line close to the walls, its purpose was to raise a protective barrier in the event of an attack. He launched a few seeker charms to circulate the grounds. They would send out large screech sounds if they detected a foreign presence. They were incredibly effective, but they only had a lifespan of a couple of days.

Oliver not long after, entered the library, to find the house-elf standing guard over the box of paperwork, which he had placed on the table at the centre. The elf stood tall, his chest pumped out, his demeanour attempting to project one of confidence and ready for a fight.

'You can stand down Auror!' Joked Oliver, as he walked towards the elf and placed a friendly hand on to Voran's shoulder.

Voran looked up at the wizard and smiled gratefully. He dropped his shoulders and relaxed.

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