Chapter 4: Turns out, stealth is not Aru's strong suit

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A/N: So sorry about the wait, writing this took a while, anyhoo I hope this chapter was worth the wait!

"I'm no Sheela, but I foresaw this coming a mile away."

Aru freezes in her tracks. Someone was watching her! What if it was Indra? Or worse, Kara! If it is Kara, Aru is screwed. A light from a torch flickers on, revealing Mini, Brynne, Nikita, and Sheela all glaring down at her. Well, Brynne glared down, Nikita, Mini, and Sheela glared up. Aru exhales a sigh of relief, maybe she can talk them into letting her go.

"Classic Aru, running away without telling anybody to join the army as a man. Just brilliant!" Nikita claps slowly, a dry smile on her face. Aru scowls.

"How did you know?"

"Know what?" Sheela tilts her head. "That you would run away or that Grandpa had to join the army?"

"Both." Brynne grunts.

"Grandpa gathered us all in the foyer and told us the bad news, when we protested, he told us it was his duty and all that crap about fighting for your country blah blah blah. Anyways we decided there was no way we were going to let Grandpa join in the condition he was in so we were all trying to come up with plans to stop him when Mini remembered about you, and we all knew you were going to do something reckless. So we each made up different theories about what stupid thing you would do and my theory was correct! You were going to run away!" Brynne sounded very pleased with herself. "Anyways we decided to rush here and you came. Like clockwork!" Aru crossed her arms.

"Are you going to try to stop me? 'Cause if you are than-"

"Quite the contrary," Mini replied. "We are going to help you join the army and assist you in not getting killed. It's a win-win!" Nikita checked her nails.

"And we already prepared Uchchaihshravas (Aru's horse, he only lets Aru ride him) and we will cover for you about why you are gone. Aru smiled gratefully, this was why she loved them so much. Sheela pipes up.

"Do you need help finding a weapon?" Aru nods.

"Yeah." Aru replies sheepishly. "The only weapon I have is a dagger, which won't do any good against an army of asuras." So the five sisters searched through javelins, maces, axes, swords, etc. Aru even found an ancient flamethrower! Yet none of them felt...perfect for her. Still, Aru had fun, laughing and chasing her sisters with clubs, blowing out the torch so there was no light and jump-scaring Mini, and just in general, spending quality sister-time together. Finally, all five girls sat down, exhausted, but giggling and smiling. Brynne looked over at Aru.

"So have you found the right fit?" Brynne's head turns to all the weapons on a pile on the floor, then back at Aru. "You've gone through every single one. Aru sighs, gets up, and dusts herself off.

"Nope." Brynne grimaces.

"Let's hope you find something good in the army then."

"I'm sure you will. Now let's clean up and then we'll see you off on your journey." Says Mini, still smiling. Everyone agrees. They clean up the room, putting the weapons back in the right place, at least Aru hopes it's the right place. Finally they finish setting up the armory. Aru grabs her sack(poor Airavata was stuck in there the entire time) and opens the door with her sisters next to her. The five of them gasp, standing in the doorway is Krithika Shah with her arms crossed. She raises an eyebrow.

"Going somewhere?"

"H-how? What?-" Aru stuttered.

"You were causing quite the commotion down here," Krithika noted. "It's a wonder anyone else hasn't woken up yet." Aru blushes. "All of you, come with me." Krithika ordered, and they obeyed, heads down. They followed their mother into her room. Krithika points to the bed. "Sit." They sat down obediently. "Aru, give me your bag" Aru opens the bag discretely  and lets Airavata out before handing her mom the bag. Krithika paws through the contents. "You have enough food and water for a couple of days, you have the letter, you have money, but you will still need more," She lists and adds a few more coins to the bag. "This should be enough for a couple of days right?" Aru looks on, confused.

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