Additional info

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This chapter is additional info about the main characters.

In this story Izuku may have another two siblings. And Hazashi my be in the story, in which he maybe Izuku and Denki's other father. They may have to fathers

Izuku's mother is famous designer/fashion stylist (something like Vogue) and her father is a famous movie director.

She likes designing and making clothes, doing makeup singing(is the better sibling at it) and dancing. And she can't really cook. She has piercings, along with Denki, Kirishima and Katsuki. She was born a boy and was an intersex and can get pregnant. Even since she was in middle school she realized she didn't like boyish stuff and that she liked more girlie stuff, soon she found out she was gay, she started dress girlie, and wanted to be a girl. So she told her parents that she wanted to be a girl and to be presented as one. So they did. When Izuku was 14 she told her parents she wanted boobs, they said it was ok and she got them. Even since then she presented and identified as a girl.

Denki basically has the same story. The only difference is that she likes to do makeup including nails (is the better sibling at it), singing and  dancing (is the better sibling at it). One thing they they have in common is that they cant really cook.

Katsuki: there isn't much to say
Katsuki is 18 yrs old and goes to college, both online and face to face, when can't make it to class (like during concerts).

He likes bmx, rapping/singing, dancing (break dancing), music cars (mostly fast ones) and favorite type of cars are muscle cars (specifically a dodge charger).

Kirishima: there isn't much to say
Kirishima is Katsuki's twin same age, also likes bmx, dancing (break dancing)(better sibling at it), rapping, music and cars (specifically sports cars).

He also attends college,does both online and face to face, when can't make it to class (like when his brother has concerts and he goes).

Mitsuki: there isn't much to say
Mitsuki is a famous fashion designer, has the same amount of fame as her best friend Inko.

Masaru is a retired boxer who loves cars and just opened his own car company called "Howard's Incorporate" which makes, fix and designs cars.

In this story Masaru's real name is Masaru Howard, he took Mitsuki's last name which is Bakugo when they got married.

Izuku, Denki, Kirishima and Katsuki's piercings:

†††††††††††††††‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡★★★★★Izuku, Denki, Kirishima and Katsuki's piercings:

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*Love*- Lobe

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*Love*- Lobe

*Love*- Lobe

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