The Only Way

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Harry heard a light crackling sound coming from the bathroom. He slowly creaked the door open, scared of what he might find. He opened the door to find his boobear standing in the middle of the room. The smell of gasoline filled his nostrils. He always hated that smell. Flames crept up the walls around them as he tried to reach Louis.

"LOUBEAR-" Harry yelled over the flames to
his love, "WHAT IS THIS?!?!"

Louis was blinking sporadically.

"Haz, I need to do this..."

"No, Louis. YOU don't..."

Louis looked up at his boyfriend, seeing the smirk spread across his face.

"WE do..." And with that both of their smirks grew ten times wider than before.

Harry slowly turned his head to look at the ground. Simon laid across the floor. Dead.

"LOU WHAT DID YOU DO??!?!" Harry couldn't believe his orbs. "Harry. Babe, we have to be happy; we can't keep hiding. This was the only way." The shorter boy tried to reason with his partner. Surely Harry understands, how could he not??

"Fine." The tall curly haired boy said after a prolonged silence, "Where do we hide the body?" Louis cracked his knuckles as he stood up. "I was thinking maybe-"

"Princess Park" Harry cut him off.

Louis grabbed Harry's hand playfully, "I love you, Hazza" Harry ran his hand though Lou's messy mane; Louis giggled and melted into his touch. "I love you too, bear...but I'm going to need help lifting this,"

He nodded over to Simon's dead body.

Within the next ten minutes, Liam, Zayn, and Niall were all crowded in their bathroom. The Irish lad was the first to speak, "Well good riddance if I do say so myself," His thick accent brought a bit of light to the subject on hand. Niall was good at that. "Liam, you've spent your entire life in the gym, I reckon you could help us lift him?" Liam was reluctant; he was always the closest to Mr. Cowell. "Come on, Tiger, you got this" Zayn teased, playfully spanking his boyfriend's bum. "Alright lads, settle down," the Irish lad spit out. "Save it for later."

The curly boy kicked Simon's lifeless leg. "Boys," he said, "We have a lot of work to do here."

Louis' blue orbs spotted a soft glow as Harry spoke. The effect that the curly haired boy had on him never seemed to go away.

Zayn pressed a soft kiss to his boyfriends lips before Niall could push him away or make some snarky comment.

Harry bent down and looked at Simon for a short moment before smirking and—respectfully— spitting directly into his cold, lifeless eyes.

Looking down at the lifeless body that lay before them, the younger boy couldn't help but feel bad. That was until the flashbacks started. Harry vividly relived moments in time. All the times they had been forced apart, yelled at, and threatened to be kicked from the band...just because they loved each other. All the nights they had spent holding one another while they cried because they wanted so desperately to just be able to be themselves. Be free. This is what Simon deserved.

Suddenly, Harry felt a burst of strength surge through his veins. He bent down, picked Simon up with his bare hands, and threw him over his shoulder. He could hear the shouts from the other boys, but he didn't care.

He kept walking.

Down the stairs.

Out the door.

Into the driveway.

He chucked Simon into the trunk of his Range Rover, making sure to hit his head extra hard, got in the car, and sped away.
To where, you may ask?

Princess Park.

He ignored the boys yelling as they rushed out of the building after him. He had to focus. Save Louis. Save me. Save us. His fingers tapped anxiously on the steering wheel as he sped down the freeway. The black of his Range Rover glistened in the sunlight; like how Louis' eyes do... Harry thought to himself. He raced against the wind at 100 miles an hour. He couldn't slow down; it was now or never.

He didn't care how long the drive was. He was going to do this. He had to. As he was racing down the road, he heard a thump. Shit. He had hit something. Someone. As he got out of the car to investigate, he saw a lump of fur laying on the ground. "Phew," He sighed, audibly, "It's just Simon's cat,"

He kicked the cat,

or what was left of it,

to the curb and got back in the car. He glanced behind him for a short moment before buckling his seatbelt and stepping on the gas.

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