Princess Park

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Soon enough, Harry had arrived at Princess Park. He slammed the door open and walked around to the back of the car, throwing open the trunk. He pulled Simon's lifeless body out of the car and made his way to the same apartment that him and Louis had made their first home all those years ago.

He walked up to the door and moved the door mat to the side (he was a sucker for a good door mat) before pulling out his jack hammer. He hammered away at the concrete until there was a big enough hole in the ground to properly dispose of Simon.

The others must have shown up at some point because when he turned around to grab the body, they were all standing around him. Louis walked over and helped Harry chuck Simon into the hole. They were about to fill the hole back up when Louis spoke up.

"WAIT! I almost forgot!"

He ran to Liam's car, opened the glove compartment, and pulled out the dead cat, running back to where the others were.

When he got to the others he chucked the cat in the hole. "Take that you little shit."

"Oh my god wait you hit her too?" Harry asked.

"Yeah when we found her she was dead- oh my god, you did that didn't you?" Louis questioned.

"Yup!" Harry said proudly.

Louis held his hand up for a high five, and Harry gladly accepted.

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