Chaoter four

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A week later

"Morning" Ben said to Megan as he walked into the physio room.

"Good morning... why are you so happy" Megan asked seeing the boy could barely contain his excitement.

"I broke up with Joanna last night" he said with a huge grin.

"Well done!" She said happily. "Now it's just getting that girl you like" she said with a smile.

"Yeah..." he said, still not getting how she hadn't figured out that 'the girl' was her.

"I'll tell you what, why don't you do like a romantic gesture I don't know like a date at a restaurant" she said shrugging.

"Nah I know she's not into that stuff" he said knowing that she didn't like fancy things like restaurants.

"Don't blame her" she said giggling a little. "I'm sure you'll 'woo' her somehow" she said.

"Hopefully" he said, sighing.


The day had finished and Megan was going to get her bag from Julia's office.

"Hey" Julia said with a smile.

"Hey" Megan replied back.

"Getting anywhere with Ben?" Julia asked, curiously.

"Nope, he still likes this other girl, but I won't get in the way" she said sighing as she picked her bag up.

"Well alright I'll see you tomorrow" Julia said as Megan waved and left.

She drove home, pretty miserable and opened the front door in a huff.

"What's wrong with you?" Sarah asked her housemate.

"Not obvious?" She asks giving her best friend an unimpressed look.

"He'll make a move" Sarah said as she went into the kitchen.

"Nah trust me he's proper into this girl that he keeps talking about" Megan said as she put the kettle on.

"He'll get over her one day" Sarah said shrugging.

"Okay what's wrong?" Megan said clearly seeing that Sarah was upset about something.

"I slept with a guy last night and I have feelings for him" she said shrugging.

"Well that's great!" Megan said, smiling.

"No it's not, I don't want to have feelings for anyone right now" she said as she sipped her coffee.

"Why not?"

"Because I can see what you're going through and I can't be bothered with that" she said sighing.

"True, but if you like him it's worth a try" Megan told her as she left the kitchen.

Authors notes:
But if a filler chapter, wasn't sure about what to write tbh

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