The Hustle

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Dawn hacks the first generator of the Diamond Casino.

Damien Buddha says over the radio, "Let The Cheat Code do it, guys, she's done multiple jobs. We know why Dawn is here."

Damien calls Dawn by her nickname 'Cheat Code' for the ease in which she hacks, proving that true as she successfully hacks the first generator on her first try.

Dawn successfully hacks the second generator then exclaims in surprise, "I GOT IT?!"

Butcher Banks hacks three of the back-up generators then says, "Bingo."

"The power is down, first try. Butcher is going down. The security door should open soon," Ray the wolf says to the crew over the radio. 

Mickey Kappa calls all his friends, "I heard there was going to be a big party at the Diamond Casino tonight."

"I'm in, let me know when everyone is in position," Dawn says over the radio as she enters the security room when the power goes down.

Mickey calls all his friends on his cell phone, "A little black tie event. We're talking tuxedos. Honestly would love for you to come to this party. Great place for you to recruit some clients, mingle a bit, do a little bit of networking. Yeah, party is already starting."  

"Codes ready. Codes ready," Dawn says over the radio after she hacks the doors.

"Oh, Hell yeah, Mickey! See you there," Alex Lionel says over his cell phone to his friend Mickey.

Jean Paul hacks the casino owner Don Riviera's to get the location of the secret vault. 

Citizens of Aster City begin arriving at the Diamond Casino for the 'party'

Damien Buddha forces the elevator doors open using his super strength since the power is down. The crew slides down the elevator shaft.

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