The Hightail

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Mickey Kappa, wearing a pink-haired magical anime girl mask to disguise his face, parachutes out of the helicopter above the ocean as a police helicopter follows him. 

Butcher Banks, still wearing his orange anime mask to disguise his faceand Jean Paul, wearing a white skull mask to disguise his face, get in a red car that Jean Paul worked on to have turbo super-speed NOS boost.

Ray, wearing a yellow smiley face mask to disguise his face, and Dawn, wearing her black motorcycle helmet, are driven by Tony Baskerville around the city in a black car. The car drops Ray off at his motorcycle which is hidden in a bush near the Diamond Casino. Ray gets on the motorcycle and drives off.

"Ray, are you okay?" Dawn asks over the radio.

"I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. My boys," Ray answers over the radio before saying, "Do your thing, boys."

"I'm out boys, I'm out," Ray says over the radio.

Butcher and Jean Paul parachute off a bridge into the water before swimming toward a jet ski.

"I'm ready, drop me right next to it. I'm on the right side, I'm on the right side," Dawn says to Tony.

"I got you. I got you. Don't worry, I got you," Tony says.

"Slow down, slow down," Dawn says as Tony slows the car at a construction site.

"Run, Dawn, run run run," Tony says as Dawn gets out the car.

Dawn runs as fast as a sloth can toward a ladder, then says, "I'm heading up the ladder, I'll let you know if I need anything."

"Dawn, what's your status?" Mickey asks over the radio, he's in his white car now.

"Still climbing, I'll be jumping soon," Dawn says over the radio as she slowly climbs the ladder. The police department are chasing after Tony in his black car which he easily loses with his excellent driving skills and exquisite drifting.

Dawn parachutes off the top of the building in construction. 

"Do you see me? I'm headed north, I think," Dawn says over the radio.

"Yeah I see you," Mickey says over the radio, he looks through the windshield and sees Dawn gently sailing in the wind.

"Go right toward Rockford Plaza," Dawn instructs over the radio.

Dawn parachutes next to Mickey's car and gets inside the passenger seat. Mickey drives off. 

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