The Hack

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There's a one minute on the timer on the vault door password. The password hint reads, Password: Don's Best Friend.

"Caps or no caps?" Jean Paul asks.

"No caps," Damien Buddha responds.

"Sheldon Adelson," Jean Paul says as he puts in that as the password.


"Alright, do caps then, fuck it," Damien Buddha says.

Thirty-three seconds left. Thirty-two seconds left.

"Or, what if you like this idea better? What if you put in as the password, the password hint?" Mickey asks.

Twenty-nine seconds left. Jean starts typing with super speed.

Password: Don's Best Friend.

"Fuck it, fuck it, just do it, just do it," Damien Buddha panickily says.

Eleven seconds left. Ten seconds left. Enter. Nine seconds left.


The vault door opens.

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