The Heist

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Butcher takes a power drill from his black duffle bag and begins power drilling into the safety deposit boxes.

"Grab that shit, Butcher, grab that shit, Butcher, grab that shit Boucherie." Damien Buddha says to Butcher.

Butcher, Dawn, and Jean Paul begin taking money out of the safety deposit boxes. The crew evenly splits the money into their black duffle bags.


"Welcome everyone, welcome, welcome, welcome to the party," Mickey greets the arriving party guests at the Diamond Casino.

Police cars start arriving at the front of the Diamond Casino where Luna is working as the manager. Luna is a female cat that has blue fur, light green hair, and yellow eyes. Luna wears a galaxy-like dress with a black spiky headband, a golden crescent moon pendant, and golden belt.

"Cops aren't coming in yet. They don't know what to do. They got a ping, they're warning people, but they're not coming in. They don't know what to do. So you guys have time. YOU HAVE A LOT OF TIME, lots of time," Mickey says over the radio.

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