The night where it all happened

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I went to my dorm with j-hope, Jungkook, Felix and Hyunjin to hang out with suga. They were all friends with him so they wanted to hangout with him. We got to the dorm and I unlocked it, suga was on the couch watching a TV.
We came in and everyone sat on the couch to watch TV with him. I Went straight to my room and got undress and put on some sweats and put on a Tank top, I stay in my room for an hour playing video games until I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in"

He opens the door

"Hey wanna hangout with us?" Suga asked me nervously

"Uh" I put my controller down "sure"

We head to living room and sat down, they put on a movie and we all started watching it. While we were watching the movie I've noticed that suga was staring at me, we've hade some eye contact but he broke it as soon as I looked at him. When the movie finished I went to the bathroom and the rest of the boys started to have a conversation.

"You should do it" j-hope said

"Stop I'm scared I don't wanna" suga said

"Yes you have too" j-hope whined

"What are you guys even talking about" Jungkook asked

"I made a bet with suga that he can't get something out of Jimin. So what I'm basically asking him to do is flirt with him be touchy and maybe if Jimin had feelings for him then he'll confess" j-hope explained

"Ooo" Jungkook said

"That's just scary" Hyunjin said

"I think you should do it" Felix cut in

"Ugh whyyy" suga said

"If you have a plan for something then you can just tell us the info" Felix said winking at him

"FINE, I'll do it" suga said

"Alright he's coming from the bathroom just wait until he goes in his room and also you'll be on a call with us" j-hope said

Suga nodded, when I walked into the room suga was glancing at me. I sat next to Felix and we had a small talk, I then after went to my room to keep playing video games. Some one knocks on the door and I sigh.

"Come in" I said

"Um hey" suga said


"I just wanna see what your doing" suga said closing the door and sitting next to me, he put his phone down on my side table and looked at me.

"Why do you keep looking at me" I said confused

"Cuz I can't keep my eyes of you" suga said

For some reason this gave me butterflies but I let it go. I got in a game and I was half through it when I felt a touch on my thy. I looked and it was his hand, I didn't know what to do so I just sat there. I lost the game and I put my controller down.

"Um I'm gonna go get something" I said nervously


I walked to my side table and grabbed an allergy pill.
I felt hands on my waist as I swallowed them. I didn't know if he was playing with me or not

"Let's go sit down" suga whispered in my ear

"W-what" I said studering

"Let's go sit" suga said grabbing me

We sat down and he put his hand on my thy again.

"Can you care to explain what you're doing" I said

"Im doing something I should have done that day in the lockers" suga said

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