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(here is a long ass chapter that i wrote at 3am last night cause ik y'all want it ×_×)

          They were both silent until they reached the elevators. Jisoo was still a bit nervous and Jennie was basically just rubbing circles into her palm. The doe-eyed woman does not know how Jennie does it, but the woman seems to calm her down. Jennie's husband must be lucky to have her as his wife.  "What floor was it?" the said woman spoke, breaking the silence between them.  "Top floor." Jisoo said simply. Jennie nodded, as they waited for the elevator door to open. When the elevator door opened though, the two women were both utterly shocked to see the people inside. It was a couple who looked like they were in their mid 30s, half naked. They were eating each other's faces out disgustingly while the man was pinning the woman at the elevator wall and their bodies were pressed against each other. The man continues to suck on the woman's neck while the woman giggles uncontrollably. That was until they realized that the elevator door has opened and the two women had noticed what they have been doing inside. The man and woman stopped their actions and quickly pull their clothes back on with red faces. They both muttered an embarrassed 'sorry' as they lowered their faces and then ran away.

          Jennie shook her head disapprovingly, while Jisoo just laughed it off. When they entered the elevator, the feline-eyed woman cannot help but notice how bad it smelled. Her eyes grew wide when she realized something.  "Oh.My.God" she suddenly exclaimed as she grabbed the other's arm. The taller woman looked at her questiongly, a little alarmed with her expression. She followed where the woman was looking, just to see some sticky white stuffs on the walls.  "Did they just.." the shorter woman shrieked, disgusted. Jisoo sniffed softly, though she does not know how it smelled like between a man and a woman making love. Because she only smelled Chaeyoung's sweet fruity fragrance when they made love. She scrunched up her nose, she does not want to remember that, she is not supposed to.  "Is that how it's suppose to smell like?" Jisoo asked, acting completely innocent of how it smells like and, trying to rile up Jennie because she finds it cute. But the only thing she gets in return is a slap on her arm.  "Don't you dare play innocent now" Jennie said and put her arms across her chest. Jisoo just laughed, of course Jennie will think she knows, she almost married Chaeyoung, but she does not feel obligated to tell Jennie how making love between her and Chaeyoung smelled like, needless to say, she is entertained at Jennie's irritation.  "They are disgusting!" The feline-eyed woman continued, slightly stomping the elevator floor.  "How do people even have it here?" Jennie asked, not expecting an answer from the other woman, but Jisoo answered anyway.  "You haven't tried it yet?" she asked back playfully. Of course, Jisoo did not made love with Chaeyoung in an elevator, she is not like that, but she just likes to watch Jennie's irritated reaction, now that she added a bit of fire to the woman's annoyance.

          Jennie's expression was priceless. Eyes wide, mouth agape, and a full-blown blush creeping on her face. The doe-eyed woman could not suppress her laugh anymore, she burst out laughing so hard that even her tummy ached.  "No... no, I did not. I was just bluffing you." she said in between her laughs. Jennie hit her arm once again, this time even harder than last time, but it did not hurt the taller woman at all. She was so entertained with Jennie that she forgot they were going to meet Chaeyoung, until the elevator door opened.  Both of them fell silent as they glanced at each other. Jennie grabbed the woman's hand, and intertwined their hands together. Jisoo silently thanked the God above for sending Jennie with her. She absolutely doesn't think she can handle seeing Chaeyoung alone. Jennie's presence gave her the peace she needs right now, and that alone made her calm.

When they got inside, people are drinking, eating and laughing. Too busy at their own little world that they didn't even noticed the two unfamiliar women walking inside. Jisoo quickly scanned the room, she's trying to find Seulgi who must have been too drunk by now, but she couldn't seem to find her friend. Jennie on the other hand, examined the place. Two long buffet tables are laid out for the guests, a bar, and a little stage in front. The place does not look like a wedding after-party, it looked like a business celebration and Jisoo seems to notice that too. "I think we're in the wrong party." The taller woman stated, calmly,though the feline-eyed woman could feel the panic in her demeanor. "We should go." she whispered softly and Jisoo nodded. They were about to depart when a man came out of nowhere and spoke. "Why are you late?" The man in tuxedo stated, he looks like he was in his late fifty's, grey hair, grey beard, and few wrinkles on his face. He looked professional, quite intimidating. They do not have any idea what this man is talking about. "I am not paying Five thousand dollars for a guitarist and a vocalist! I told your agency I will pay for a whole orchestra, not an acoustic duo!" The man said irritated pointing a finger at the two. Now they have a better grasp of what he was talking about. It seems like he ordered a band for this event. But the band has not come yet, probably was stuck in somewhere she does not know either. And be must have mistaken Jisoo for a band member because the doe-eyed woman was carrying a guitar. Jennie was about to tell the man that they are not the band he was expecting, when the other spoke. "How about three thousands" the woman said.

Jennie was speechless,giving a glare at the woman. Jisoo held her hand firmly as if telling her not to say a single word, because they obviously needed the money. Jisoo needed it to have a place to stay, and Jennie needed it to get back to Versailles tonight, and this much money rings good on both their ears. The shorter woman bit her bottom lips as she silently took a deep breath. The man just stared at Jisoo, based on the look on his face, he was basically declining the woman's offer. "Okay, two thousands." she tried again, her voice sounded as if challenging the man. Jennie bit her lips harder, this time to suppress her laugh. Where did this lady get the audacity of challenging this man when in the first place, they were not even the band this man was expecting. It was baffling and downright funny. She snapped out of her thoughts when the man signed out loud. The two stared at him and waited to see what he was going to say. "Alright two thousands then." he said and grabbed the said money out of his pocket and handed it to Jisoo. The woman stared at the money for 2 seconds before reaching it out and stuffing it in her coat's pocket. "Now go, hurry, set up your equipment." The man said with authority but his voice sounding a bif softer then earlier and it somewhat sounded as if he was desperate for this. Jisoo almost jumped when the man buys her act. Her face holds a victory smile as she realised that she won. At this, the other woman let out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding. "Thank you!We'll go get ready right away!" Jisoo said with a wide grin and pulled Jennie to make their way to the backstage.

Once they reached the said place, Jisoo turned around to face Jennie. "Jennie-ssi,can you sing?" she asked in a hushed voice. "No i do not sing Jisoo-ssi." Jennie whisper shouted with a look of disbelief but the other dismissed her. "Hey." The buffed man from before appears behind them. Upon hearing his voice, Jennie and Jisoo froze. Were they caught? Already? Did the man hear them talking? Even when they tried to be really quiet? Jennie's heart was beating loudly as the man walked closer to them. The doed-eyed woman tried staying clam but it was most definitely not working. Afterall, if they get caught now then they are so fucked up. "This is your room key." The man stated. Jennie shot her head up with widen eyes. Same goes for Jisoo. She yanked her head up that she should be worried the bones might break. After a good few seconds of staring at the man,he spoke once again. "What? You don't want it?" he questioned. The two women quickly looked at each other as if they just hit the jackpot. Now, Jisoo has a place to stay and Jennie can keep all the money. How can this get any better? Jisoo grabbed the key and muttered a quick thanks to the man as she shoved the key inside her coat's other pocket. Jennie could not help but giggle when the man walks away. No words were said between them, they both just made their way to the stage. How did they become so lucky? The thought coming in Jisoo's mind as she smiles at the thought of actually being lucky. Because in her case, being lucky was rare and it only comes once in a while. Maybe it's because of Jennie. They will have Two thousands dollars after this performance and a place to put their asses in. Now she must pray to God that they will not get caught, because that man, does look scary. And if he found out, then they were most likely to be yeeted outta the building's window.

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