like being stalked after the show

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Delilah smoothed out the skirt of her uniform as she got out of her car, an overflowing backpack sling over her shoulder. She walked into the school with her head held high. Over the two years she'd been there, she turned her enemies into... friends, maybe.

Gabby and Delilah didn't have the smoothest start in their relationship, as Gabby had felt threatened by Delilah's arrival in the middle of their freshman year. Now in their junior years, Delilah and Gabby were sort of getting along. Partners on the debate team, running for their senior class student council, and the leaders of almost every project they worked on, Gabby and Delilah slowly grew less competitive with each other. They started sitting together at lunch and Gabby considered Delilah her best friend.

Walking into school, Delilah was bombarded by Gabby, who was a nervous wreck. "I'm not getting into Harvard."

"Can your third eye wait until lunch to make its predictions?" Delilah asked with a sigh as they walked into the building. "I've barely been awake and the two hour drive doesn't help matters."

She pulled on Delilah's arm. "Dee, this is serious!" She complained. "I woke up this morning and couldn't remember any of the materials. And to top it all off, my notes made no sense. I have no Harvard hope."

They stopped at Delilah's locker. As she unloaded her stuff and shoved her backpack inside, she turned to Gabby. "Maybe it was just because you were tired. But hand 'em over, sister." Gabby dropped her backpack on the tiled floor and pulled out her pages of notes. Delilah looked them over when they were in her hands. "I'm sorry, were you on crack when you wrote these? They make no sense."

"That's what I'm saying!"

Delilah sifted through the contents of her own backpack and pulled out her own debate notes. "I've got them memorized, so you can use them. Don't get them damaged, though."

"I won't, you're a lifesaver."

As Gabby turned to walk away. "You're buying dinner when we win!"

"Fair enough!"

School passed fairly slowly as anticipation for the debate set in. Gabby would no doubt make at least one of the other contenders cry and Delilah would stutter at least once, but the Kenton team would take the win. It was a definite fact; as sure as the sun in the sky and the fish in the sea.

So when the final bell rang, instead of going to the parking lot to their waiting cars, they filed into the auditorium which was set up with two podiums. The opposing team already sat on the stage, and Delilah wouldn't notice until the end of the debate, but Seth and Embry were sitting in the back together.

Headmaster Charles stood in the center of the stage. "We're going to welcome our guests from Divine Episcopalian by letting them decide their topic in the argument of democracy versus communism."

The debating pair, a boy and a girl, stepped up to their podium, as did Delilah and Gabby. "We're arguing in favor of democracy."

Gabby and Delilah shared a small high five. They were able to debate in favor of democracy, in their sleep, they would argue, but they liked a fair challenge. That's why they spent most of their time pouring over communism and the communist manifesto.

The pair from Divine Episcopalian argued their side and a smirk grew across Gabby's face. This would be a sure win, and with Delilah's notes that hadn't appeared like she was on crack and when they were written certainly helped matters. As for their plan of attack, Delilah went first, not even fully stuttering and Gabby followed up with the closing argument. Sure enough, she left the Divine Episcopalian girl in tears.

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