the dad and the not-so secret admirer

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Delilah hadn't worn anything other than her school uniform and Seth's sweatshirt. It was like it was a sign of their friendship returning slightly to normal that she would desperately hold onto like a lifeline. She only changed into a dress after much convincing from Jillian that Edith would burst an aneurysm if she showed up in anything other than a dress.

Jillian had expected dinner to be as normal as any other, but she was wrong. When they walked in and handed their coats to the unfamiliar maid that let them in, they felt like something was off. It wasn't until they walked into the sitting room that they determined exactly what was off. On the couch where Jillian and Delilah usually sat was Joshua Robinson, more commonly known as Delilah's reclusive father.

He smiled at the young girl in front of him. "Hey Delilah," he greeted with a pause. "How's school been?"

"Sixteen years, and 'how's school been?' is the best you can come up with?" Jillian scoffed.

Joshua forced a smile onto his face. "How have you been, Jilly?"


Delilah raised her hand in a small wave. "Hi, dad."

"Mom what is he doing here?" she asked, turning to Edith and then back to Joshua. "What are you doing here?"

Edith moved off the opposite couch and into an armchair after noticing that neither of the girls had sat down next to Joshua. "It's a welcome back dinner, Jillian."

They sat on the now empty couch as Jillian coughed in surprise. "A welcome back dinner?"

"I just moved back to Port Angeles, and your mom invited me over after I signed the lease on my new place," Joshua explained. "I know I've been a crappy dad, but I'll be around more to start trying again."

"Tell them the other news, Joshua," Edith urged with a smile. "Go on."

"My fiancée is pregnant."

Silence hung in the room like a rare painting in a museum that people traveled great distances to see. Jillian was glad she wasn't drinking because she would have choked. "Wow, Josh, that's great."

Nobody talked much after that. Delilah was too upset about the prospect of her father becoming a dad to a child he would actually take care of. Jillian was upset about that, and the fact that Joshua was engaged and never told her. Edith and Adam were generally at a loss for words, and Joshua just wanted to know what Jillian and Delilah were thinking.

After dessert, Delilah and Jillian didn't hide their haste in leaving and Joshua followed after them with the intent to talk to Delilah. "Dee, wait."

She spun around and looked at her father. "Hmm?"

"You go to Kenton, right?" She nodded. "What if I pick you up after school tomorrow and we can go back to my place. You can meet Michelle and we can spend some time together. If it's okay with your mom."

Delilah looked back at Jillian, who shrugged. "Sure, I guess that'll be fine."

Joshua smiled gratefully. "We'll have a blast. You guys better get going," he said with a look at his watch. "I'll see you tomorrow Delilah."


Delilah complained for the majority of the ride home, as did Jillian. From everything between working at the bookstore and the news of Joshua's fiancée and incoming baby, nothing was left untouched by the time Jillian and Delilah were entering the house.

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