Chapter 15

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The song Marry Me by Train rang throughout the hall as the happy couple do their first dance. It suited them perfectly. The ceremony and meal went smoothly. I got through my speech quite well and the food was lovely. Corey is standing next to me with his arm around my waist holding me tightly. My head in leaning on his shoulder as the music flows around the room. 

Soon the DJ announces that other couples can join. He doesn't get to finish, when Corey grabs my hand and pulls me onto the dance floor. My one hand on his shoulder while the other holds his tightly. My head leans on his chest and I can feel his steady heart beat through his chest. I look into his blue-green eyes and see him watching me with so much adoration and love. As the music changes, we both head to our table for the night.

Thankfully our table is only us and Kenzie. She has been texting her girlfriend most of the day, so she has offered to look after our drinks and such while we mingle and dance. She looks up from her phone and offers us a small smile. I sit next to her and notice how the smile doesn't reach her eyes.

"Is everything ok?" I ask her as Corey wraps his arms around me from behind my chair. She drops her smile and sighs. 

"I just wish she was here you know. Watching all the couples on the dance floor just makes we wish she wanted to come," Kenzie sighs placing her phone on the table. I look up at Corey, he looks at me blankly. We have no clue how to help her as this has never happened to us. 

From the corner of my eye, I notice Brandie, Kathy and Shayne walking in our direction. I look at Kenzie who just keeps looking at her phone. Brandie glares at Corey and me, while the other two look smug. Too smug. 

"What did you do to upset my sister?" Brandie accuses me. I look at her startled as Corey moves his hands so they're resting on my shoulders. He rubs them with his thumb trying to sooth me.

Kenzie lifts her head in confusion. Kathy tries to cover her smugness and act concerned. "Kenzie, what did they do? Shayne get my parents." 

I sit there blinking. Shayne rushes in the direction of Lana and Zavier, who are conveniently by the bride and groom. "We haven't done anything," I try to reason but Brandie doesn't change her glare. I realise they just want to cause drama so we get kicked out or split us up. 

Kenzie looks between us and I can slowly see her working something out. I just hope it's the right conclusion. Kathy turns to glare at us. I have to resist glaring back. Shayne returns with the parents, Harmony and Charles. His face looks triumphant. What the fuck did he say to them. 

"Kenzie. What's going on honey?" Lana asks. I can feel Zavier study me and Corey. 

"I'm just missing Delora. I don't know why they thought Clara or Corey would do anything," She tells her mom.  

She turns onto her other two daughters. I can tell that they're getting the mom stare down. Lana is a fair woman. I know she'd find out everything before deciding what to do. "She was fine until they came over to her. We wanted to make sure they didn't upset her," Brandie argues sending a sharp look my way. 

"Now we've cleared it up that they haven't upset her can we all get back to partying," Zavier says. "I want a dance with my new daughter. Jax has danced with her now it's my turn."

He grabs Harmony's hand and drags her to the dance floor. Charles does the same to Teddy, while Jax and Lana start laughing at them. I smile while watching them. Corey kisses the top of my head before heading to the bar. I notice Kathy try to follow but Lana places a hand on her daughter's shoulder and leads her towards a different table. 

"I think mom has all the pieces now," Kenzie says with a small laugh. She turns to Brandie and Shayne, "I imagine you two will be reprimanded next. You should know better then to try and meddle in peoples relationships."

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