Chapter 19

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The drive to the next destination isn't too far, it's at the park that was in between our two houses growing up. It was where our parents would take us, it's also got the place where we went when we first started dating. We had a hidden spot on a hill, we just sat up there for ages talking, laughing, watching films on one of the laptops. 

He opens the door for me and grabs my hand. We walk around the park enjoying the summer evening. "You gonna tell me what you've been helping Marco with?" He asks. I look at him briefly.

"Would love to, but sworn to secrecy. He's been telling me not to tell you or anyone. Made me promise and everything," I explain with a small smile gracing my face. "What about you with Terry's proposal, any new developments?

I catch him shake his head before sighing, "Terry is just nervous with everything. He keeps stressing and changing things at every moment."

He directs us towards the playground. It's almost as if I could see our younger selves running round. Our moms sitting on the bench we just passed with my little sisters in their arms. We sit on the swings where we hosted many, who can go higher competitions. 

"He just wants it to be perfect. He really loves Esme and everyone can see it," I tell him as I gently swing still holding his hand. He lets out a hum, deep in thought. "Besides, you might want direct your attention on Quintin."

His head snaps quickly to me. I have to stop myself from worrying if he got whiplash. He looks at me like I've grown another head. "And why's that? What gossip you hiding?" he says. His eyebrow raises. He knows what that does to me but he did it anyway. I control my breathing before answering. 

"Again sworn to secrecy. Just giving you a hint," I say with a small shrug of my shoulders. 

His eyes narrow but I can see the humour in them. "Not spilling anything. Huh? I might just have to change that." He release my hand and I see it come behind my back.

"Wha-" I start but before I could finish, he lifts me onto him holding me to him. He moves one hand to the side of my stomach. I try to shoot him a glare but he has my against his stomach. He starts tickling me and I can't stop the laughter that flows out of my mouth. I try to worm out of his grip but him tickling me is making it difficult. 

manage to grab the hand tickling me while tears pool in my eyes from laughing to hard. He tries to use the other hand but I manage to escape. I start off in a run to the climbing frame. "Oh come on Shortcake. Tell me something." He shouts taking off after me. 

I quickly jump up the frame and run near the two ways down. I can see him clock it and run to where I am instead of climbing up. I quickly dart back to where I climbed up and jump down and sprint back up the path. I have to continue sprinting otherwise he'll catch up. I do a quick turn as I hear him get closer. I see some dog walkers ahead and decide to run past them so the dogs can try to stop Corey from reaching me. 

I let out a small laugh as I hear the dogs barking. But my laughter stops as his arms grab my waist and he turns me to face him. My arms reach up behind his neck. "Looks like you got me," I say with a mischievous smile on my face. 

He leans down and kisses me. I kiss him back with some passion. Trying to convey my happiness, love and appreciation for him. When he pulls back he smiles at me, "Now and forever. Now you want to see the rest of your surprises."

I nod my head and Corey pulls back and puts his arm around me leading me to the next destination. As we walk down the path. He makes a turn away from the car park. I try to work out where we're heading but it isn't until we reach the bushes and trees at the bottom of a hill. I instantly know where we are going. I let go of his hand and race up the hill. I can hear him laugh behind me. I stop once I reach the top.

The spot on top of the hill is decked out with pillows and blankets. A massive sheet is under everything. I spot my favourite pillow in the pile, it's the one I cuddle during films at home. My eyes are then drawn to the medium cool bag next to everything. I turn to Corey with a shocked face. 

"You set all this up? This is the sweetest thing ever. Thank you," I say leaning up and kissing his cheek. 

He has a sheepish smile, "You deserve it. My laptop is up with a film ready too. Thought we could watch a movie like old times."

"Your being very nostalgic today. First breakfast, then at the playground, now our old hidden date spot," I say with a questioning look. He just laughs and leads me over to the picnic area. I cuddle into him with my pillow in my arms, a blanket cocooning us together.

The movie he puts on is a favourite on mine. Though I could probably write the script to it, I still enjoy watching it. Half way through, Corey brings over the cool bag. When he opens it he pulls out containers, food wrapped in kitchen foil, packets of sweets and crisps and two bottles of pop. The containers had cookies, jam tarts, fruit and sandwiches. The kitchen foiled food was some southern-fried chicken, bread rolls and mini pancakes. 

"You planning on feeding more then just us?" I tease him.

"Shush and watch the film and I may let you eat something," He teases right back. I do just that while grabbing random food every now and again. "I had your nan bake the jam tarts as I know how much you love them."

I turn to him keeping one eye on the movie. "Really. You didn't have to do all this. This is amazing, I don't know what I did to deserve all this and you."

He gives me a quick kiss, "Just being you." I roll my eyes. "Too corny?" He asks with his infamous smirk.

I pretend to think it over, "Nope, just enough." Our attention turns back to the film. By the end of it we still have a lot of food left. I gesture to the food, "at least we've got lunch for tomorrow."

With a shake of his head, Corey starts packing up the extra food into the cool bag. I lay down looking up at the sky. The sky seems more blue today. The last time I was on this hill, he had just broke up with me and I needed to think. I always went to this spot to think while we were together. I made the decision to confront him about the feelings between us, I came here after our first, well everything. The wind blowing around me. The smell of the fauna surrounding me. The birds singing to me. It's comforting. 

To think, this was the spot I'd use to contemplate life throughout my childhood. I can't believe I just stopped going here. I know I had a lot of memories with Corey here but I still should have come. Like after Molly's wedding. Or choosing university. Results day. 

Corey clearing his throat snaps me out of thoughts. I sit up resting on my hands behind me. He's looking nervous all of a sudden. He scratches the back of his neck before sighing. I'm about to speak when he stands up and holds his hand out to me. Taking his hand, he pulls me to my feet. 

"You have asked all day what I'm up to. Well I wanted to show you how much I love, respect and appreciate you. Our journey hasn't been easy but it's been worth it. At fifteen we'd come here to sneak around from our parents, turning our friendship into a relationship. Then I stupidly let you go. But I won you back, after the meddling of Mack, Lola, Harmony and Charles. We've had hardships even then but we've been together through it all. And - well what I'm saying is, I love you so much Clara Grace Downey." I have to hold back the tears at his little speech. Then he swiftly pulls out a small, box out of his pocket. He kneels down in front of me holding the ring box open, a glistening ring. "And I want to take the next step with you. Will you do me the honour of marrying me?" 

My hands fly up to my face and I have to stop the tears rolling down face. I can feel my head nod as I register that I need to answer the handsome man in front of me, "Yes. Of course I'll marry you." He jumps up then lifts me by my waist spinning me around. I kiss him deeply and only pull away so he can but the ring on my finger. He then kisses me again. I can't believe I'm actually engaged. I never thought that would happen at one point, especially not to Corey. But I guess miracles do happen.

The Wedding Of The Year 2: Bridesmaid ManiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora