Chapter 20

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Even after packing up and getting in the car, my eyes still drift to the beautiful ring on my finger. It's a golden band with a quaint sparkling diamond. As I look at the time I realise we're heading to Molly's for a gender reveal. 

Corey glances at me from the drivers seat. "What you thinking?" 

"Me? Just keeping admiring the ring. Then realised we need to go to Molly's," I say with a shrug. "For once, I might be able to do what she claims I do." 

Corey chuckles beside me. "Except it's both of us. I can imagine their faces now." 

My phone cuts our conversation. I answer it to hear Harmony on the other side. "Did you say yes? Please tell me my camera guy got it. Charles what did the camera guy say?" She says. The phone's on speaker so both of us can hear us. Laughter fills the car as Harmony starts rambling talking to us and Charles. 

"Harmony, calm down so I can answer you," I manage to say between laughs. Her end goes silent. I guess that worked. "I said..." Corey stifles a laugh at me holding it out. "Yes." 

A squeal flows from the speaker of the phone. We hear her yelling to Charles, which makes more laughter fill the space. Harmony finally calms down as we pull into Molly and Ryan's house. We say good bye as I look around the drive. Many cars litter the driveway, signalling that we're the last ones here.

We climb out the car and meet round the front. Corey looks us over. "Might be a bit overdressed and not in the colours but -" he says trailing off with a shrug. He grabs my hand as we weave past all the cars. It doesn't take long until Molly opens the door with an unimpressed look on her face.

"You're late," She says turning around leading us through her house to the garden where everyone is congregated around a table with poppers on them. Molly claps to get everyone's attention. "Now everyone is here, let's see what baby Travers will be."

She walks through the gathering to pick up a popper. Ryan, Ryan's parents, Aunt Mila and Uncle Nathan pick one up. Mack is recording while Lola takes baby Kae into the house. We stand around as they count down. The poppers go off. Blue confetti flies everywhere and they all start hugging each other. 

After it settles down and we offer our congratulations but I quickly regret it. "So why were you late?" Molly asks quite loudly, "I told you this morning that we wanted to start at that time."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes and lean on Corey for support to deal with her. "Time just got away from us. Corey had planned a whole day out before the invite. I didn't know at the time of the phone call."

Molly looks at Corey, "She got you organising her day for her." Her shaped left eyebrow raises in perfect timing with her snippy attitude. 

Mom rushes over with Sophie. They step between us and faces Corey and I. "You did it today?" Sophie asks with wide eyes. "Please tell me it went well." Her eyes dart around our faces trying to gage something from them. Mom instead takes the more forward approach. Lifting my left arm up, showing my hand with the ring bouncing of the sunset. 

She wraps me in her arms before pulling back. "She said yes, Dylan. We finally get to call Corey our son!" Her voice bounces around the garden. 

Arms wrap around me and lift me off the ground. Corey looks relaxed so I turn slightly to see, Mack is the one lifting me up. "Congrats cous. Though I wish I knew he was even gonna ask." My feet gently touch the ground as I'm wrapped in a hug with Sophie and other family members.

A screech breaks up the congratulating. We turn to see Molly complaining at Aunt Mila in hushed tones. Corey is immediately at my side holding my hand in support. Molly notices us watching and though aunt Mila tries to stop her, she marches up to my face. 

"You just couldn't let me have one day. You just have to get engaged on the day I planned my gender reveal. Why do you have to be such a selfish bitch for? It's so fucking annoying that you think it's ok to waltz in here just engaged while you know that this was a celebration for my unborn child. You know what, get the fuck out. I've had enough of you Clara. I don't want anything to do with you." I blink at her in shock. "I said GET THE FUCK OUT!" I step back a bit. 

Corey gently pulls me out the way of her and starts walking us away. My eyes blur. My breathing shaky. If Corey wasn't gently pulling me out of the garden, I wouldn't be moving right now. We somehow reach the car and Corey leads me to sit down while he crouches in front of me.

His hand gently cups my face lifting it to face him. Eyes swimming in concern and eyebrows furrowed. His thumb wipes my cheek wiping the tears falling down that cheek. I focus on those eye's of the man I love. I lean forward resting my head on his.

Before long, Corey lifts me up and sits on my seat with me on his lap. I rest my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. One hand rubbing my back, the other around my waist holding me tightly. I feel my eyes grow heavy from the mixture of mental exhaustion and crying. It doesn't take me long to drift off into a quick sleep.

When I next wake up I'm laying in my bed. The familiar ceiling greeting me, with the light off. I pull the sheet back, walking out of our room and into the living room where I can see Corey in a heated conversation.

"I know Dylan - Yes but you didn't see her - That shouldn't be used as an excuse - Look I will not let her apologise when it wasn't her fault - Then put him on the phone and I'll gladly explain it all to him," Corey says his volume still quiet but harsh. I wrap my arms around him from behind. "I've got to go." 

The phone is thrown on the settee. He turns in my arms and kisses me. I kiss him back as his hands on my face pulling me closer to him. We pull apart breathless. Heads together and small smiles on our faces. 

"You feeling better?" he asks. I give a short nod and he kisses my temple.  "Well I'm still full from the picnic. Do you want anything?"

"I'm good. How about we continue our movie marathon? Keep reminiscing," I say with a smirk on my face. Corey doesn't answer but picks me up. I let out a squeal as he chucks me gently on the settee by his phone. He turns on the tv as I sit up. He chooses a movie and sets it up before sitting next to me. 

"If I remember correctly, we never sat like this when we were watching movies," He thinks out loud. He quickly wraps his arms around me. He lifts me up laying his legs out and placing me in between them. I rest my head on his chest and we stay snuggled up watching movies all night long.

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