Suzu might be a mass murder in the making, but it's all cool!

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I, Fukui Reiko, am now thirteen years old.

I started the Ninja Academy at Six, and during the time we were there, I befriended a lot of kids, mostly civilian or side-characters who were never shown.

"Hey! Earth to Fukui-chan!" And then there is Tanaka Suzu.


Character Profile; Tanaka Suzu

An energetic young girl, her skills are mostly reliant on chakra control and ninjutsu! Her weapon of choice is a large fan, and her Chakra nature is Wind!

She is tall, and muscular, with long, straight brown hair and blue eyes, as well as being slightly tanned.

She wears a short white dress with leggings underneath, and a light blue crop-top styled hoodie! Her forehead protector is around her neck. She wears standard ninja shoes.


"Tanaka-chan, I was thinking." I sighed, flopping my head onto the desk.

"Hmm? About what?" She asked, curiously, and I simply replied: "Our teams. We all passed the test, so I'm curious about what teams we'll be on." Tanaka suddenly perked up, "Oh! They're chosen by skills and capability, right? Stuff like that! I think me, you, and Suzume-chan will be on the same team! We all had average scores, and we work together well!" She pointed out, "That makes sense. Maybe Suzume-chan will mellow out our chaos, huh, Tanaka-chan?" Suzu grinned, patting me on my back.


Character Profile: Nakata Suzume.

Tall and skinny, Nakata Suzume doesn't look very intimidating. But don't get her wrong, as Lighting and Water chakra work great together! Suzume relies mostly on her water nature, as well as genjutsu. She uses a Tanto. Suzume wears a yellow Idol Kimono, with white leggings underneath. She wears standard Ninja boots, and has her forehead protector wrapped around her leg. She has short, curly brown hair and gray eyes. Suzume has a peach skin tone.


"I can hear you." Suzume pointed out, and Tanaka simply stated, "We know!"

I slapped both of them on the back of the head, "Shut. Our teams are being announced."

"Team 1! Unimportant side-characters!"

"Team 2!"

"Team 3! Fukui Reiko, Tanaka Suzu, and Nakata Suzume!"

I perked my head up at that, "Hey, Tanaka-chan. You got something right for once."

Tanaka snickered.

As the rest of the teams were called out, I didn't pay attention. Why should it matter? I know who the main Important canon ones are.


Holy shit. We are the second last people here. "Okay, where the hell is our sensei's? It's been like.. 4 fucking hours!" I grumbled, catching the attention of the other team left, Team 7.

"Yeah! I agree with ya'!" a blonde called out, meanwhile Suzume looked embarrassed, "Ignore Reiko-chan. She doesn't like waiting." Sakura laughed, "I know! When we were young, Reiko got so annoyed if we played one game for too long!" Tanaka laughed out loud at that, meanwhile I gasped, "Sakura! You and Ino promised you wouldn't tell!" I faked feeling betrayed, while Sakura smiled.

Me and Sakura never had any love rivalry, because 1. Ew, I might be related to Sasuke ( Not that she knows,) and 2. Sakura really doesn't think Sasuke's my type. (She's right, by the way.) "Yooho~ Team 3?" A voice called out, and I shot my head up 'Yes! Freedom!'

"That's us, miss." Suzume said, pointing to me and Tanaka. "Right! Meet me at the back of the school!" The lady said, waiting for us.


As we got to the back of the school, the lady called for us to sit down.

"Alright~ I assume you three know how to introduce yourselves? I'll go first!" The purple haired girl said, " Ahem! I am Ota Minori, and I will be Team 3's Sensei! I enjoy training, cooking, and flower picking!" she paused, "I dislike traitors." thinking for another second, "My chakra nature is Fire." she smiled,


Character Profile: Ota Minori.

A cunning young woman, Ota Minori is known for luring people into a sense of safety with her cheerful personality, and then removing them from the world. Her weapon of choice is a Odachi, which she uses more then her fire jutsu's. Minori has purple hair that she pulls back into a ponytail, and yellow eyes. She wears the typical Jonin outfit, and uses her forehead protector as a headband.


"Black haired girl! Your turn!"

Oh wow. My turn. "Uhm.." I paused, " My name is Fukui Reiko. I like my moms cooking, and trying on different kimono. I dislike being in one place for to long, it just feels suffocating. My chakra nature is fire."


Character Profile: Fukui Reiko.

Our protagonist! Fukui is extremely self-aware that the situation she is in is straight out of fiction.

Reiko still has shoulder length black hair, yellow eyes, and pale-skin. She wears an outfit similar to Suzume's, but the Kimono is the same as the one she wore when she was younger. Her forehead protector is on her forehead, ironically. She uses a Chokutō.


"Nice, nice~! Tall lanky kid, your turn!"

Suzume stuttered, but then gained her composure. "My name is Nataka Suzume. I like training and feeding the local cats in my town. I dislike people who betray their loved ones." Suzume paused, as if thinking, "Right! My Chakra nature is water and lighting."

Ota-sensei looked surprised, "Oh? Two natures? Interesting!"

Tanaka shot her hand up, "My turn, right! My turn!"

"Ahem! I am Tanaka Suzu! I like gardening and.. Something that doesn't matter!" A sadistic smirk appeared on Tanaka's face for a millisecond, then went back to normal, "I dislike boring people. They're no fun." Who the hell does Tanaka think she is? Fucking Izuru Kamukura? "My chakra nature is Wind!" There's normal Tanaka!

"You all had great introductions! Tomorrow, we will be doing a training exercise before you can begin taking missions. I expect you to be on-time!" Ota smiled, "Well! You are all dismissed!"

// this fic will now be posted on ao3.

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