Chapter 4: School

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    I take a step out of my house, hoisting my bag up my shoulder. I dramatically sigh with a spin. I can't believe I'm walking to school now, it's so weird. I tried to put on my best passing clothes on the first day so even if I dress more feminine later people will still think I'm a guy.I take a look at my phone: 6:37. If I keep walking like this I should be able to make it 10 minutes before my first period.

With a yawn I put on my headphones and walk. I mentally check through everything I need. Computer, sketchbook, notebooks, pencil bag, keys- shit my keys! I look back at the time: 6:40. I should be able to make it right?

I start speed walking towards home because I can't run in a binder. I grab my keys with an apology to mom and head back out. I see a few kids ahead of me, so I shouldn't be late. I let out a breath and walk at a normal pace.

    I arrive at the school, it looks like it has a much higher budget than my old school. I check my phone: 6:55. Five minutes later than I had hoped but I should still be able to make it to class.

When I walk into the building there's not as many kids as I expected. They have likely already started heading to first period. That's alright, I just have to find my locker to put away my bag and then head to class.

...where is that?


I spent far too long looking for my locker and ended up arriving at Literature late since I couldn't run in my binder.  I gave my sincerest of apologies and sat down with a book

School sucks.


    The bell for 3rd period rings and kids start barreling out of the door. It's break now, meaning I get around 15 minutes to just chill until my next class starts. I walk into the courtyard looking for somewhere to chill on my phone until the bell rings.  I see a nearby bench, sweet! I start walking over until a familiar blonde sits as a brown haired boy jumps out the window. E... excuse me?

"'re late." Dee said to the boy.

"The teacher wouldn't let us go on break!" the boy tries to catch his breath, "or even let us use the bathroom... man I'm fucked!" He grips his hair tightly. Dee continues reading from a book.

"Yeah, you're fucked." wow. Blunt much? "If you don't give me what I need." Dee said with a slight smirk.

    The boy checks his pockets before Dee hushes him and the kid passes said thing in a manner I can't see it from. Jesus christ is this emo motherfucker doing drugs? Really though he was the type to hate that shit and call others idiots for doing it but I guess I judged too quickly. We're only 15, if I wanted I could probably storm over there right now. -Weird ass drug dealer- but I stay put to continue listening.

"So Dee, will this work out? It's an oral exam!"

"Statistically speaking, the chance of you passing the test of your own is completely null. So you got in touch with me."

He hands something over to the kid and he puts it in his ear. They recite some quick answers- one apparently being from lord of the rings. So I guess this guy is helping people pass their classes for money? Or drugs? I'm more inclined to think drugs because holy shit dude people were doing that shit left and right at my old school. It was frankly annoying most of the bathrooms got shut down because of kids smoking and stuff. I was about to head over and ask the black eyeshadow motherfucker what he was doing but my steps were interrupted by some screaming.

"MANOWAR SUCKS? DO YOU WANNA TAKE A FUCKING BEATING FOR THAT?" I turn to see Heavy yelling and pointing at some tall dude with a red beanie.

"IT'S YOUR RAP THAT SUCKS YOU WACKED OUT GORILLA!" Heavy yells and proceeds to get punched by aforementioned wacked out gorilla.

Ignoring whatever cocaine Dee is getting handed I speed walk my ass over to Heavy because dude is like 2 years younger than me. Not gonna let a little guy get his ass handed to him.

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