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The Beginning

Rain cascaded from the sky above, tapping on your face with cool fingers. You open your eyes, blinking up at the grey sky. You sit up, shuttering slightly before looking around. Where was this place? Were you on God's Island? Feeling confused, you get to your feet. "Hello?" You call. The forest was unfamiliar to you.
"Wings," A hush whisper catches your ear. You look over as someone ducks behind a tree.
"Who's there?" You ask. You can hear hushed voices arguing from behind the tree. Suddenly one shouts, "TIGER!" and three boys that were the same age as you leap out from behind the tree as a large tiger jumps at them. Acting purely on instinct you grab a stick you rush forward, and hit it right in the snout. The tiger staggers back with a pained cry. The boys recover and rush to your side, equipped with sticks. The tiger backs off, looking at them warily.
"Nice hit," The dark haired boy with freckles tells you.
"Why do you have wings?" The other dark haired boy asks.
"Everyone in Skypia have wings," You tell them, tilting your head to the side.
"Skypia?" The dark haired boy echoes. You nod, glancing at the blonde.
"What's your name?" The blonde asks.
"___... Who are you?" You ask them.
"...Sabo," The blonde says, looking away as your eyes met.
"I see, nice to meet you," You say with a smile before looking around.
"Are you lost ___?" Luffy asks. You nod, frowning a bit. Sabo shifts, glancing at you.
"How did you get here?" He inquires. You shift, trying to remember.
"I... Don't know...." You murmur, looking at him for a moment. He swiftly breaks his gaze away.
"We'll show you the way to town," Ace says, turning away. You follow them, wobbling a bit. Sabo touches your arm, steadying you. You give him a thankful look.
"Are you hurt?" He asks you.
"I don't think so..." You murmur, looking down at yourself. You look back at him, and he pauses.
"There, town is up ahead," Ace tells you, pointing ahead. You blink, seeing blue sea beyond it.
"Blue seas? I fell through!" You gasp, grabbing Sabo's arm.
"What? You fell through?" Luffy echoes. You nod, looking up at the sky.
"The village chief said that it was possible..." You mutter. The boys exchange looks.
"Then.... You can stay with us," Ace decides. You look at him.
"Really? But I need to find a way back up!" You tell him.
"Yeah, we'll help you find a way back home," Sabo agrees.
"Thank you!" You say with a smile.

"Dadan, why are your eyes raining?" You ask, tilting your head. The large bandit woman smiles, "I'm not crying! You're so cute!" She cries, lifting you up. "I don't wanna wear a dress though," You grumble.
"You're a girl, and girls wear dresses," She scolds.
"You're not wearing a dress," You point out. She pauses and pinches your cheek.
"Don't argue with me," She growls, setting you down. Grumbling to yourself you stomp out of the room. The boys look over as you burst out of the room.
"You look funny in a dress," Luffy comments. You glower at him while Ace tugs on his cheek.
"No she doesn't," Sabo argues. Earning a look from Ace and Luffy. He swiftly looks at his feet, scratching his temple.
"Oh well, let's head out now," You sigh. With that, the boys lead the way out. You tug on the dress unhappily, frowning heavily.
"You really don't like wearing dresses do you?" Ace comments.
"No, they're so..." You trail off, muttering complaints. Sabo chuckles, making you look over at him.
"Then we'll go get you some different clothes," Sabo says with a smile.
"Right," Ace agrees. You smile back at them hopefully.
"Really?" You ask. They nod, and lead you toward the village.

"Hi, they've never brought a girl here before," The young women says, kneeling in front of you. You shift, looking at her warily. Sabo nudges you.
"Say something," He murmurs.
"My name's ____, nice to meet you," You say with a slight bow.
"Hello ___, my name is Makino," She tells you.
"Do you have any clothes for ___? She doesn't like dresses," Ace pipes up.
"I sure do, come with me ____," Makino says, leading you to a room.
"We'll wait out here for you," Sabo assures when you look back uneasily. You follow Makino into the room as she starts to go through some clothes.
"Do you get along with the boys?" She asks.
"Mhm," You hum as she holds up a black tank top to you. She smiles a bit, picking out a pair of capris.
"There, those should fit, I have to get back to chores now... It was nice to meet you ___," She says before going out. You swiftly change, and pause since there was no slit for your wings. You peer out the room.
"Do they fit?" A voice next to the door makes you squeak in surprise. You look over as Sabo lets out a chuckle at your reaction. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," He says.
"Its okay... Um where did Ace and Luffy go?" You ask.
"They went to get some money," He answers.
"Oh.... Could you help me Sabo? There's no slot for my wings," You tell him, turning your back to show him. He blinks.
"Uh, sure," He murmurs, taking out a small knife and cutting a slit for your wings and helping you shift your wings out.
"Thanks Sabo," You chime, tossing him a smile. He pauses, smiling a bit himself.
"No problem... Can I touch them?" He asks. You nod and he carefully touches them. "They're soft," He comments. You let a out a giggle.
"That tickles Sabo," You giggle. He lets out a laugh.
"That's- *clears throat* Come on, I told Ace we'd meet at the tree house," He says, turning away with a slight blush.
"Alright lets go!" You laugh, grabbing his hand and hurrying out. "... Where is the tree house?" You add, looking back at him.
"This way," He chuckles, tugging you in the right direction.

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