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Yeah... Those were the good old days. Your bonds with the boys grew stronger with each passing day. Until the day when everything changed.

"Come on Sabo! We're gonna be late!" You laugh.
"You sure are in a hurry today," He comments. You turn to him, smiling.
"This will be my first time going into the city in the blue seas! I'm excited!" You tell him. He smiles at your enthusiasm.
"I see that... Oh! Careful," He says, touching your arm to steer you away from the edge of the cliff. You stagger a bit, glancing over in surprise.
"Thanks Sabo," You murmur, giving him a smile. He smiles back with a slight blush. You turn back toward town, hearing Luffy and Ace call you. "Luffy! Ace!" You cheer, running over and practically tackling them.
"You're in a really good mood today," Ace comments. You hop back, smiling cheerfully.
"I am! Are we going now?" You ask him. He nods and leads the way into the city. You peer into the shops curiously. Sabo touches your arm, bringing your attention to him.
"Don't wander off too far," He tells you. You think for a moment before grabbing his hand. He pauses, blushing a bit.
"This way I can't wander off, okay?" You say, tilting your head to the side. He gives a slight nod, looking ahead with a slight blush. You continue looking into the shop windows.
"___! Come look at this!" Luffy calls. You share a glance with Sabo before going over. Luffy points at a window, making you look over at a puppy.
"Aw! It's so cute!" You gasp, hopping from side to side. Sabo chuckles.
"He's not the only one who's cute," Sabo mutters.
"Heads up," Ace pipes up, making you look over. He had spotted a group of nobles.
"Can I do it this time?" You ask, already mapping out your route.
"You sure? Where will you run?" Sabo asks.
"Over there," You say, pointing at a dumpster a few buildings away.
"Alright, go ahead," Ace says. With that you dash forward, weaving through the nobles expertly, pocketing anything that seemed of value. You run into an alley, turning the corner and running up to the dumpster. The boys reach it before you.
"That was awesome!" Luffy cheers.
"They didn't even notice!" Sabo says.
"Come on, lets get out of here before they do notice," Ace tells them, running for the gate. You follow after them, careful not to drop anything. Once in the forest, you stop and drop all the wallets and jewelry.
"This is a great haul ___!" Sabo praises, taking out the beri and counting it swiftly.
"Is it enough?" You ask.
"Almost, come on, lets-"
"Finally found you, winged girl," A gruff voice snarls as a band of bandits step into the clearing. You pale, and the boys hurry to your side.
"You're not taking her!" Ace growls.
"Luffy, ___, get out of here!" Sabo orders.
"But-" "Don't argue! Just do it!" Ace snaps, silencing you and Luffy. You and Luffy share a look before turning and starting to run.
"If you run away, I'll kill your friends!" The bandit calls, making you stop in your tracks. Luffy had stopped too.
"Don't worry about us! Just run!" Ace says. Sharing a look with Luffy you both grab a stick and run back to stand with Sabo and Ace.
"What are you doing? Go hide!" Sabo hisses.
"No, my place is here with my friends! I won't turn my back while you risk your lifes for me," You tell him. You meet the bandit leader's eyes and point your stick at him. "And anyone who threatens my friends will regret it," You add darkly. The boys shift, falling into a silent agreement. The bandit leader roars a laugh.
"Well aren't you noble! You'll fetch me a fine price!" He roars. You shift, readying the stick.
"Not in this lifetime," You growl.
"Or the next," Sabo agrees.
"She's staying with us," Ace says.
"She's our friend! You'll never take her!" Luffy declares.
"Have it your way," The bandit leader snarls. The bandits lunge forward at that. You pivot, knocking one in the head. The boys burst forward too, swinging their pipes viciously. You tumble out of the way as a bandit swings a club at you. "Careful! Don't scar our pay day!" The leader scolds.
"SHE'S NOT FOR SALE!" Sabo and Ace howl, attacking the man.
"Damn kids! Outta my way!" He snarls, swinging his sword. They fall back with a grunt, glaring up at the man. "Such nuisances!" He growls, lifting his sword at Sabo. You glance over in horror, knocking a bandit back before rushing over to help Sabo. You knock him down as the blade comes down. The adrenaline made it feel like a scratch, but the blood that followed told you it was much more than that.
"___!" Sabo gasps, looking up in horror at you, and you open your one uninjured eye and look down at him as the bandit leader staggers back.
"Fool!" He breathes. Your eye slowly lifts to him, something inside you had ignited at that moment.
"Leave us alone!" You snap. A pulse leaves you, knocking the bandits back.
"What the-" "Fine, you're damaged goods now anyway," The bandit leader breathes, cutting off one if his subordinates. They straighten up and leave the clearing. As soon as they're out of sight, you begin to shake and fall to your knees.
"___! This is bad, we need to get her to Dadan!" Ace says, kneeling beside you as you cover your injured eye.
"___," Sabo murmurs, touching your shoulder. You look over at him just as everything goes black.

You wake up, blinking at the ceiling. A soft snore makes you look over. Sabo was asleep on the floor next to you, holding your hand. Snores on your other side makes you look to your other side to find Ace and Luffy sleeping close to you, Luffy's arm rests on your stomach while Ace gripped your arm. A smile comes to your lips, and you turn your head back to Sabo. You run a thumb over the back of his hand.
"I'm glad you're okay," You murmur. He shifts at the sound of your voice, eyes opening a bit. You give him a grin and he blinks.
"You're up!" He gasps, sitting up. You put an index finger over over his lips.
"Shh, you'll wake Ace and Luffy," You murmur. He blinks, becoming solemn.
"I'm glad you're okay... I was worried," He breathes. You sit up, and touch his cheek.
"If you're okay then so am I," You reply quietly. He smiles for a second.
"But, your eye.... Dogura says you lost it when you got cut," He says sadly. You blink, touching the bandage that covered your injured eye.
"Oh well... Im sure an eyepatch would look cute on me," You joke. His lips lift up slightly.
"You'd be just as beautiful," He murmurs. You blink, blushing in slight shock.
"Thank you Sabo!" You gasp, hugging him. He hugs you back, smiling a bit. Shifting beside you makes you look over as Luffy sits up, kneading his eye tiredly. He looks at you and starts to tear up.
"___!" He cries, suddenly lunging at you and hugging your torso.
"I'm okay Luffy, please don't cry," You breath, patting his head. Ace wakes up then, blinking sleepily at you before putting you in a headlock.
"What were you thinking!?" He growls.
"Ace!" Sabo and Luffy gasp. Ace loosens his hold.
"Don't scare us like that," He says, only loud enough for your ear.
"I'm sorry for worrying you," You tell them.
"Don't do that again," Ace scolds, poking your cheek. You chuckle, offering a smile.
"I'll try not to," You tell them, getting up. Dadan comes into the room then.
"You're up! You gave these boys a scare little miss! What do you have to say for yourself!?" The large woman demands. You shift, looking at everyone who had entered the room.
"Thank you for taking care of me!" You chime with a sweet smile. Silence follows as they stare at you in shock.
"Damn she's too cute," Dadan growls turning away.
"Come on! Let's go out!" You tell the boys.

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