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"Give me a name Hershel," You tell him, sharpening your blade.
"What's this? Does the famous Guardian Angel have a dark side?" He questions from the chair he was chained to.
"Even angels can be deadly," You reply, tossing a blade to puncture next to his head. He stiffens slightly.
"You ain't got it in ya," He scoffs. You start toward him.
"Well, unlucky you have caught me in a rather bad mood," You breath.

"Where are we?" You ask Byron, stepping through the portal.
"We're getting close to Vartigo... Did you get any answers?" He questions.
"We'll dock there for the night.... And it was repetitive," You admit with a sigh.
"We're not getting any closer to the source are we?" He guesses. You grab a cannonball and hurl it in frustration.
"No, we're not... And it makes me sick," You growl. They crew exchange looks.
"We won't give up," Tez tells you.
"We'll find the bastard running this show," Gill assures.
"So relax Captain, can't rush everything... Smile a bit," Byron adds. You look around at your crew.
"Right.... Thanks guys," You tell them with a slight smile. The ship reaches Vartigo and you jump off onto the pier. "While you relax, try to gather some enough," You request as you help the formers onto the pier.
"Thank you ___, you really are a guardian angel," One of the women tell you, grasping your hand.
"Don't mention it, just head home," You tell her. With that she runs for town. The crew joins you on the pier and you lead the way into town.
"It's the liberators!"
"The captain really is beautiful!"
"We sure are popular," You mutter warily.
"That's mostly because of you captain," Byron points out.
"Ms. Guardian Ang-" The boy breaks off, tripping as he ran toward you. You swiftly lean down and steady him.
"Careful little one, now what can I help you with?" You murmur, kneeling in front of him. He shifts shyly before holding a notepad up to you.
"Please sign this!" He gasps. You pause and let out a giggle before signing it.
"There, anything else?" You question. He shifts again blushing a bit. "Well, be good okay?" You chime, kissing his forehead. Blushing and grinning madly, he dashes off.
"And that's why you're so popular," Byron points out, nudging you.
"Quiet you," You chuckle nudging him back.
"Ms. Guardian Angel," A man says, approaching you.
"Please, my name is ___," You correct.
"Ms.___, please come with us, our boss would like to talk to you," The man says. You shift, looking back at Byron.
"Alright," You agree, letting them lead you out of town to a large compound. "So.... Who are you guys? Pirates?" You ask.
"No ma'am, we're the revolutionary army," He informs you.
"Revolutionaries? What do you guys want with me?" You quiz.
"Dragon-san will speak with you about that," He responds.
"So in other words, you just don't want to talk to me," You guess.
"Wh- I assure you that's not the case Miss! In fact I wish to thank you for saving my friend!" He gasps. You chuckle and nudge him.
"Relax would ya? You're making me uneasy," You point out.
"Sorry," He says.
"Oh! Ms. Angel!" A girl calls, coming up. "My name's Koala! I'll escort you the rest of the way," She introduces.
"My name is ___," You correct her. She pauses at the name, eyes widening briefly.
"I've heard that name before," She comments as you walk with her.
"Really?" You ask. She nods, looking thoughtful.
"Anyway, Dragon-san is right through that door," She says, stopping short and nodding to the door. You head in, stopping in the center of the dim room.
"I'm glad you decided to speak with me, miss-"
"___, the nickname was given to me by the formers," You interrupt. He nods.
"The name seems to suit you," He comments. You shake your head, smirking a bit.
"I'm no angel," You huff. "Anyway, what do you want with me?"
"I wish to form an information line between the Revolutionaries and the Liberators, we can help eachother bring freedom to the seas," He tells you. You think about it.
"I don't know... Joining your ranks would bring the marines after us," You mutter.
"The Liberators are already taking on foes more powerful than the marines," He tells you.
"So you know who's behind it?" You ask.
"I do, and your... Crew, is not strong enough to take them on," He informs you.
".... I'll have to discuss this with the others first," You tell him.
"Very well," He agrees. You head out at that as someone goes in. Neither of you glance at eachother. You pause, glancing back as the door closes behind them. Shaking your head, you start for the exit. You leave the compound and go to town.
"Captain, what did they want?" Byron asks, coming out of the pub.
"Gather the crew, we're gonna have a meeting on the ship," You tell him, heading for the ship.
You stood on the figure head, watching the crew gather on the deck. The last of them join the crew, all looking up at you curiously. "A few moments ago, I got a request to establish a line of information between us and the Revolutionary army.... The thing is, if we do, that will make us enemies of the marines. So I want to leave it up to you guys... I don't mind making enemies with the marines if it means freedom for those enslaved," You inform them. They crew didn't bother to look at eachother, eyes set on you.
"We follow you... Guardian Angel," Byron says as the rest nod their approval. You were touched, you never planned on becoming a captain of some crew- that's just how it turned out. Before you knew it, you were surrounded by loyal friends.
"Then the Liberators will link arms with the Revolutionary army!" You declare. Your crew roars in response.

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