The Botanist

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Sifu and Fajar were fighting for twenty minutes now, both of them were tired but didn't want to give up. Fajar tried at multiple times to hit Sifu with his machete, Sifu avoided all te moves except one. He was now bleeding but he kept fighting, Fajar seemed to dominate the battle but all of the sudden Sifu caught his arm with the machete and Fajar was now in bad position. Sifu was holding Fajar's arm and put the weapon near to his throat. 

Fajar was defenseless and even more at Sifu's mercy. Seeing the death near to him, he began to beg Sifu to spare him. As Sifu didn't show any facial expressions, Fajar though it was the end however at the last moment Sifu released Fajar and the latter fell down on his knees. The battle ended after thirty minutes, Fajar raised his face and looked at Sifu. 

He wasn't showing any kind on facial expressions which totally made Fajar unable to see right through him. Sifu passed his hand on his left cheek to remove the blood then, he looked Fajar in the eyes and said " You don't know what you gonna do now? Perhaps I can find you something to do. " 

 Fajar couldn't talk but Sifu could clearly see that Fajar didn't expect that, indeed he was surprised and at the same time shocked. Sifu reached out his hand to Fajar whom hesitated for a moment but finally took Sifu's hand. 

Regarding this kindness gesture from someone that wanted to kill him, Fajar picked up his machete and put it back in his pocket. Sifu asked Fajar to shake his hand, Fajar did it even though he couldn't understand why Sifu was so kind towards him. Back to Sifu's house, Fajar cleaned out his machete then Sifu led him to his personal space. 

Fajar had his own place and he immediately started to decorate it with flowers and plants. Sifu left him alone for the rest of the day. At the dinner time, Sifu brought Jafar a soup and a unique/ special tea, traditional receipt transmitted from generation to another. 

Fajar made a sign with his head to thank Sifu then immediately ate the soup and drank the tea then went to bed. Their fight was pretty tough and both were extremely tired. Sifu went to bed and was proud to not having killed Fajar for revenge. 

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