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Under Sifu's order Sean and Fajar went back to his house with Kuroki while Sifu was getting is way to the Tower. Sifu arrived at the tower and quickly got inside it, he was told that JinFeng was looking for him at the next floor. He took the elevator and ran across the PDG herself. She told him to meet her at the bottom of the tower and mysteriously disappeared. Sifu was attacked by her security guards and had to find a way to find JinFeng. He was going deeper and deeper until he reached the void. There was no other way, Sifu took a deep breath and jumped. He arrived at a huge place where JinFeng was waiting for him.

JinFeng " Sifu, you came for revenge on the death of your father isn't it? I was told that you were unstoppable and you succeeded to defeat Fajar, Sean and Kuroki but it's the end of your trip! You're not gonna beat me! It's bad time for you to accept your punishment! "

Sifu " Bring everything you've got! "

JinFeng carried bells attached to her weapon by ropes, she had one arm but it didn't mean that she was easy. She threw her bells right to Sifu who had some difficulty to block it then she rushed towards him and gave him a punch in the chest. Sifu backed off and tried to recover from it while JinFeng kept attacking. He was trying to catch her by using the ropes but that was more easy to say than to do.

Sifu " You're pretty strong! "

JinFeng " I might have one good arm but don't underestimate me, I'm the representative of justice and you are the lawbreaker I must to , I have to stop you! "

Sifu executed a series of hits but none of them reached JinFeng, she was faster than him and she knew precisely how to use it to her advantage. JinFeng tried to hit Sifu with her punch but this time Sifu avoided her and also caught her roped weapon. He passed the ropes behind her neck and put her in a strangulation position. Sifu made her believe that he was going to choke her but released her right after.

Sifu " It's the end JinFeng, now you listen to me! "

JinFeng " Fine, you defeated me. I accept it and I'm all ears!"

Sifu " Good! I want you to come with me in my house, there is nothing else that you can do here, this place is falling apart! "

JinFeng " Come with you? Why would I ? Am I gonna be a sort of prisoner or slave? "

Sifu " What? How can you even imagine this? This is unacceptable regarding an aged woman like you. You deserve better, now please follow me before we die! "

JinFeng slipped but Sifu caught her hand before she fall into the void.

Sifu " Please come on! I refuse to let you fall! "

Sifu and JinFeng started to go down but JinFeng used her roped weapon to get both of them out of danger.

In the outside:

Sifu " You saved me? Thank you! "

JinFeng " You spared my life, furthermore you're one that came to my rescue so we are even! "

Sifu " So, what about my suggestion ? "

JinFeng " Do I really have the choice? I have nothing else to do, nowhere else to go and as Yang is gone, I have nothing left to do here ! So I do accept your proposal. "

Sifu " Okay well then we probably should join the others. "

JinFeng " The others? "

Sifu " Yes, Fajar , Sean , Kuroki, they are all in my house. I host them and I now host you too! "

JinFeng " Decidedly! You aren't so bad at all, I was wrong to think you would kill me. "

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