Chapter one

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((do not read if you aren't okay with strong violence and character death! because that's guaranteed in later chapters.))

Once the 16 new students to Hope's Peak Academy had gathered in the gymnasium, the anouncements had begun.

While a few had already made basic interactions or knew eachother before attending, mostly everybody in the room were strangers. While not to their knowledge, the lack of relations had been planned beforehand.

The idea was that once they had made a couple of friends, the bomb would be dropped on them. The metaphorical bomb. If anything, the kids would be the ones with the literal bombs.

From somewhere overhead, a speaker hidden well away from the human eye, a confident voice blurted out, seemingly unfazed by the slight static that came from possibly slightly old technology. "Wassup, guys and gills? I'm ya new headmaster, or whatever ya want to call it. Anyway, before I start telling y'all what's going on, introduce yourshellves properly. Come on now, make it snappy."

Everyone exchanged wary glances, before the short silence was cut through by a relatively tall blonde with designer shades. "What kind of headmaster is this, anyway?" he said, with a snort that indicated he considered himself funny.

The other blonde next to him, who most people had already figured that they were related, shot him a warning look, but it didn't bother him as he carried on.

"I mean, what the hell. She sounds like she's our age, is she even allowed the authority she claims to have-"

"Buoy, why don't you be glad you're here instead? As far as you're aware, this is one of the best schools in the country. Make some fronds now, hurry up! I'm getting impatient."

Another girl, although her hair was a considerably darker shade of blonde (and much longer) piped up in a cheerful tone, "Yeah, isn't this great? I'm so excited! My name's Feferi Peixes, and I'm the SHSL Diver! Although I can swim as well as just dive."

"You like swimming? That's great, I do too! I hope there's a pool somewhere here, that would be fantastic. Anyway, I'm Jade Harley," she stopped to enthusiastically shake hands with Feferi, earning a glare from a short but admittedly frightening looking boy, with hair which was dyed black and purple. Jade noticed, and wondered what was up with him, but didn't give him much other thought.

Deciding to save his sister from what looked like could become a nasty argument, the next to introduce themself was John Egbert, the SHSL Pianist. He pointed out Jade specialised in nuclear physics or something, but from then on the introductions were seemingly a blur.

The rest of the new students introduced themselves quickly as Vriska Serket, SHSL Thief, only let away from jail after some mass robbery due to being invited to Hope's Peak, Terezi Pyrope, the SHSL Attorney, Dave Strider (the kid with sunglasses from earlier) SHSL Photographer (he didn't seem like a photographer, but claimed to be full of surprises.) Rose Lalonde as the SHSL Author, Kanaya Maryam the SHSL Fashion Designer, Karkat Vantas who refused to tell his title but was lovingly dubbed by his new classmates the SHSL Insulter, Sollux Captor, the SHSL Hacker who had a rather noticable lisp, Aradia Megido, SHSL Archaeologist, Equius Zahhak, SHSL Mechanic (most seemed to think he would get in for his strength, but that wasn't the case) Nepeta Leijon, SHSL Actress*, Tavros Nitram, SHSL Animal Trainer, Gamzee Makara, SHSL Clown, and finally the hipster douchebag with the purple hairstreak, Eridan Ampora, who was cut in halfway through saying his title so nobody quite heard it.

((*alright, nepeta as an actress is a bit of a stretch ??? but she likes roleplaying a lot so maybe it could work ??????? i wanted to do huntress but considering this is set in the modern day and age im not sure how realistic that would be so actress it is hell yea h))

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