Chapter two

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It wasn't too long before the crowd of students began to split up in hopes of finding a way out, or at least some clue as to who was holding their life at stake.

Terezi, Karkat and Kanaya were the first to leave, due to Terezi being enthusiastic about bringing the culprit to justice, Kanaya agreeing it was the right thing to do, and Karkat deciding to tug along. It wasn't all that hard to see Karkat was into Terezi, although she was blind to his affections. It was unlikely she reciprocated them.

Soon enough, not wanting to be second best to anyone, Vriska left, tagging John and Tavros with her. Dave followed because the girl made him uneasy, and he sure as fuck didn't want Tavros and certainly not John to be in danger. Especially this early.

Alright, he doubted she would actually attempt anything like that, but he wanted to be careful. Because, he had to face it, if Vriska had done anything to John, Tavros wouldn't say anything. He seemed like a good person, but he certainly had confidence issues. If she had done anything to Tavros, well, she probably knew John would speak up and she would probably off him as well. But killing three people seemed like a bit of a stretch, and on the first day as well.

Jade and Rose also went together, because they knew eachother better than anyone else left in the room. They had an unspoken agreement it would be better to wander around with people they could definitely trust, so that was what they did.

Before long, Nepeta had convinced Equius to try break out, so they went to try find an exit who knows where. Nepeta seemed pretty upbeat despite the whole situation, and Equius just wanted to help Nepeta get out. Their relationship was weird, sort of like they completed eachother, but platonically.

By the time they had left, Gamzee had wandered off alone who knows where. He seemed pretty harmless, but walking around alone? Seemed pretty suspicious.

Feferi decided it would be best to follow him around to make sure he didn't do anything, and Eridan followed soon behind, to which she was happy to comply to.

At that point, Sollux and Aradia were the last two in the room, although Aradia didn't show any intention of wanting to search for clues.

"Sollux, what's the point? When the headmaster said there was no way out, she was certain," she looked up, her dark, reddish-brown eyes meeting his gaze. "Besides, if you check out the school map, there's barely anywhere we can get to."

"A map, huh? Thould come in handy."

She pulled out an electronic student handbook from the pockets of a hoodie she was wearing, dark red with a slightly brighter red gear-shaped symbol on it, then opened up a map of the school from there.

"Where did you get that?" Sollux inquired, suddenly slightly suspicious.

"Check your pockets. Anyway, the rooms on the first floor are limited, and we're not allowed to enter the second floor at this moment in time. I dread to think of what would happen to us if we broke a school rule, surely whoever is running this place has the capability to enforce the rules."

He knew what she meant, and frowned. "You have a point, but aren't you going to try to thearch for clues? We could find thomething leading to whoever's behind thith."

"Sollux, I have a feeling all the answers we'll be able to find right now are in here! And I don't know about you, but I trust my intuition."

Sollux sighed. Aradia certainly wouldn't be giving up anytime soon, and he didn't really like the idea of searching alone, as much as he would hate to admit it. He pulled out his own ESH and sat next to her.

"Anyway, as SHSL Hacker I'm certain you have a natural flair for technology of any sort. Maybe you'll be able to find information from these a lot quicker." She smiled. She knew she had won.

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