Chapter six

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Terezi snarled. "Jade, we've worked this out already. Lalonde is the culprit."

"Do I not get a say at all, Terezi? I wonder why..." Jade was smirking. She knew something, and it wasn't hard to figure out what she was implying.

"You don't need a say, because you're going to be wrong! Give it up!"

Jade rolled her eyes. She obviously wasn't going to completely give up, but decided to comply for the time being.

Terezi smiled, but there was something about it clearly staged. "Let's look over at our evidence. Rose was in the kitchen the entire time, and had complete control over what went in the food. Rather than killing John through a wound, she must have added peanuts which would kill him. She was the only one with an alibi that matched up with the crime, being in the kitchen the entire time-"

Jade growled slightly, and took her chance. "She was the only one with a faulty alibi, huh? Pyrope, why don't you tell us what you were doing? You haven't provided an alibi at all."

Rose glanced at Jade, then back at Terezi. "I'm sure it would be of great interest to everyone to find out where you were all this time. Maybe because you commited the murder?"

Terezi looked absolutely disgusted by the notion. "That's a stupid idea!"

"Well, are you going to tell us what you were doing?"

Terezi gazed at Rose with tired eyes. "In my room, of course. I had spoken to Vriska beforehand, and she saw me enter. Although soon before we found John dead, I smelt the food and went to the cafeteria."

Vriska put an arm around Terezi's shoulders, as they were standing next to eachother. "Yeah! She was in her room."

Rose frowned. "Either way, there's not only me without a perfect alibi. Being in your room alone doesn't excuse you, as nobody would have been watching you. That still leaves us with several subjects... Let's say, me, you, Karkat, and I guess we should include Kanaya, Eridan and Feferi. "

Terezi sighed. "We can work with that. I still think it was you though."

"You're still onto that?"

"You do seem most likely."

"That's all based on speculation! If it isn't me but you were convinced it would be due to your wild guesses, we would all die and the killer would be set free?"

Vriska rolled her eyes, and drawled out a "Roooooooose. What difference does it make? We'll just end up dieing quickly rather than living the rest of our lives in fear! Besides, we're all going to die anyway."

Dave glared at Vriska, or at least he appeared to behind his sunglasses. "Anyway, we've narrowed it down to six. What else do we have that might help us solve this?" He seemed to choke on his words near the end, but he managed to cover it up considerably well.

"Actually, the culprit might not be one of them," Eridan cut in. "While Rose was using the toilet, or while she was gathering people to meet up, someone could've put the peanuts in the food! It wouldn't have been hard to do so."

"That's also true," Rose considered it. "I suppose that takes us back to square one."

"Not really!" Feferi pointed out. "We still know Equius, Gamzee, Sollux and Nepeta have an alibi."

"Yes, we do. None of us left the room until Rose came and collected us." Equius said.

Vriska grinned. "Also, besides Aradia and Tavros nobody left the cafeteria once they had gotten there."

"I stand corrected. That makes only eight of us eligible for the murder, half of the people in this room. Me, Terezi, Kanaya, Karkat, Tavros, Aradia, Feferi and Eridan. Of course, one of us knows who it was."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2015 ⏰

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