Chapter five

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"Somebody is dead? But nobody would commit a murder in front of everyone!"

"I dunno Rose, I think we should check it out. It's a miracle anybody's lasted this long anyway."

Unnaturally pale, Rose and Gamzee ran the rest of the way to the kitchens, arriving out of breath. They really didn't want to see the murder scene, but it was inevitable. Somebody had died, the best they could to do avenge them was help search for clues regarding the death.

The victim was John.

"Y'all will have ten minutes to investibait, and then we'll be holding our first class trial!"

Terezi calmly explained what happened, all the while giving Rose an untrusting look. "He died from his peanut allergies. Almost instant, he didn't seem to be in pain for long, although it seemed to be a hell lot of pain while he was still alive. Died right in front of us all, really put us in a good mood, huh?"

It wasn't hard to notice the venom laced into her voice.

Before she began to investigate, Rose took a minute to study everyone's faces. As she had guessed, she could barely tell what anyone was thinking. Everyone appeared grim, but she couldn't confirm it. For all she knew, this was a huge elaborate murder planned by everyone to get out, while leaving one person without a clue that they could blame it on.

Okay, that was overthinking it, she had to admit to gerself. But it still got te point across.

Before arriving at Hope's Peak, she was certain she was already an expert psychologist, but she had reconsidered it now.

She felt like she had grown older and matured at an alarmingly fast rate in the short time she had spent at the school; and now she realised just how limited her knowledge of the subject was.

The school had really shattered her dreams, despite it's promise to "cater to the talented young students across the globe and help their skills grow" it had really done the oposite.

Before, she was happy with a career of writing, considering she already had two bestsellers out and one being bought in large quantities by the hour, and just believed her 'unlimited' knowledge on the human mind was a bonus.

Now she really wanted to go to a school on that matter, but she couldn't.

The Rose she had been showed earlier in the day had been able to, and pursued a successful career in therapy. She had also had her hair dyed lilac, which she had wanted for ages, but that was against the point. Nonetheless, it wasn't quite the same person.

She hadn't realised that she was crying until Kanaya had walked up to comfort her.

It wasn't the right time to cry. Today, she decided, she would find John's killer.

After a few more minutes of investigating the crime scene, they were called down so the first class trial could commence.

The room was tall and cold, with a black and white checkered floor and stands for the students.

There were seventeen stands. Each of the fifteen students had one,with an easily recognisable picture of them with their name and title written below in small print.

There was also an empty stand in which John would have, except his picture was crossed out. It seemed almost as if it was taunting them. Aradia felt the most affected by it; her stand was right next to his.

On the other stand, the head of school herself had decided to be present. She was certainly not what they had expected.

She certainly seemed humanoid, but her grey skin and gills said otherwise. She also had large orange horns, although it was unclear whether they werereal due to the considerable amount of jewellery she wore. As well as countless piercings, she had a large, golden tiara and dozens of bracelets and a long chain necklace.

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