Chapter four

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When everyone had gathered for breakfast the next morning, people were a lot more careful about their actions, and most people seemed uncomfortable.

The words they fell asleep to, "Good luck, those of you planning to krill!" had not been forgotten, and the way the students behaved made that evident.

Once Rose Kanaya, and Dave (who, surprisingly, could actually make a good breakfast! Although he claimed to be hopeless at most other meals) had finished making breakfast, consisting of bacon and eggs, they served it in silence, unlike their chatty, sarcastic selves shown the day before.

They had previously confirmed nobody had any food allergies, except John who couldn't eat nuts, but besides that they hadn't spoken a word.

Jade decided to try to get everyone back into a good mood. They hated the way everyone was acting, so of course she would make an effort to change things!

"We should play a game after breakfast! We need to lighten up our spirits."

Feferi grinned. "That's a great idea!"

"A game, huh?" Vriska glanced up, the eye not concealed by a darkened lense in her glasses, because she was blind in one eye, met Jade's gaze. "Consisting of what?"

Jade pouted slightly. "We can decide that later."

"Yeah, right. At the moment, everyone's too worried about getting their ass handed to them. Can't you see it? We're all going to DIE!"

Jade blinked, and shrunk away slightly, at Vriska's sudden outburst. She was certainly expecting a more positive reaction.

When nobody said anything, Vriska stormed out the room. Terezi quickly followed her out, shouting something along the lines of,

"Wait! You can't go alone, it's not safe!"

Which was responded to with an "I don't care!"

"She's practically screaming 'kill me!' at this point," Dave sighed, usimg a ridiculously high voice to imitate Vriska.

"At this point, I'd be glad if that was the case. This is a stupid school, where we're going to spend the rest of our worthless lives, but I'd certainly not want to spend it with her," Karkat hissed.

"Planning a murder already, huh, Karbro?" Gamzee drawled out. He honestly didn't seem like he was paying attention to his surroundings, but maybe that wasn't the case.

"Wait, no, I didn't mean-"

"It's alright. I understand what you mean." Kanaya paused. "Vriska can be a bit... Unpredictable."

John rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face showed he found the situation a bit funny. "Are we shit-talking Vriska now?"

"I don't think we should. For all we know, she might turn out very helpful and actually help a lot if... Help is necessary."

Sollux squinted at her through his traditional 3D glasses. "We all know what you mean, Rothe. There'th no point thoftening it up. VK was right. We might ath well be dead already, we thure as fuck aren't getting out."

"Uh, maybe if we stick together, we can, uh, find a way out?"

Tavros certainly wasn't at all confident with that idea anyway, and nobody was convinced it would help much.

"No, if you want to get out, you need to kill somebody! It's not hard."

"Aradia, what kind of freak even are you?" Feferi exclaimed. "It's taking somebody's life, how could anyone do that?"

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