Chapter three

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"Well, is that everyone?" Rose asked, reminding the others there were important matters at hand.

"No, Rose. Karkat, Terezi and I haven't told you what we've discovered."

Hearing her name, Terezi looked up from whatever she was discussing with Vriska. She clearly hadn't been paying attention before, but grinned because she knew nobody would call her out for it.

"Oh, of course. My apologies, Kanaya."

"It's alright. There isn't much to say anyway. Our bedrooms are all identical, and we all have a restroom connected to it. In there we all have a shower and a toilet. There are a couple of spare sets of clothing each in our cupboards as well."

It appeared she was hiding something. Rose was pondering asking her about it, but was interrupted by Terezi before she had the chance.

"Also, there were some murder weapons in the drawers! The headmistress really wants us to kill eachother."

Kanaya looked at Terezi with a pained expression. That was probably what she didn't want the others to know.

"So, I suppose now our first meeting is done! I daresay it went rather well, we've learnt quite a lot." Rose smirked at the others, daring them to argue.

"Well, I guess we can wrap this up. Maybe with a rap-"

The idea of a rap made a couple of people a little more enthusiastic. However, that wasn't the case for everyone.

John stared at him, looking mildly annoyed. "Dave, no."

"Don't you mean Dave hell yes I want to hear some of your si-" Dave cut off because he could tell by then that John wasn't in the mood for any rapping to go down at all. If he had to guess, John was probably tired as hell. Dave estimated that it was around 8:30, and he could guess the time pretty accurately, and it had been a long day. So he didn't blame him

It was still pretty early by Dave's standards, but they had been wandering around, exploring, all day. On top of that, they did it without any breaks except two quick breaks to the restrooms.

"It's nice to see you're slowly coming to your senses and finally shutting up about your rapping, Dave."

"Piss off, Lalonde."

Gamzee finally spoke up, interrupting their banter. Considering his rather, well, crazy, appearance, with easily noticable face paint and considerably messy dark hair, and of course the fact he'd probably die in the school, he actually sounded pretty calm. "I'm getting pretty hungry, what about us all going to get something to eat?"

"I agree with Gamzee! It's been a pretty long day, and we all deserve a break to just relax. And eat," Feferi added.

The idea of a meal really livened up the atmosphere, certainly more than the idea of a rap. On the way to the kitchen the laughter and lack of tension was evident.

People sort of went hunting for their own food. There was lots of food that didn't necessarily need to be cooked; for example, a lot of fresh fruit and several loaves of bread.

Dave and John, who were both equally determined to find something to eat, lead the way, having previously memorised the path to the kitchen. Unlike Vriska and Tavros who were mostly looking around at the food.

They both picked up a bright red apple, and wandered into a corner to make small talk. They could get more food later, it's not like it would all be gone by the time they finished, considering just how much there was.

"Do you think somebody's poisoned these?" Dave said jokingly, although it wasn't hard to tell he was slightly scared by the idea.

John rolled his eyes, biting into the apple. "I'm not sure if that should scare me senseless or make me laugh. Either way, it doesn't taste poisonous? Ugh, it's not like either of us know much about poison anyway."

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