Chapter 1

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Emerson lays awake in the late night, the time nearing midnight. The hotel is maybe a mile down the road from a creepy looking house him and his brothers passed on the road. He remembers how he bought this crystal necklace from a thrift shop he and his brothers went to, it came from that very house. It currently rests around his neck. The cashier was quite willing to give the crystal necklace away and Emerson got it $20 cheaper than the original price, it sort of glowed in the moonlight and he liked that. The crystal was beautiful in his opinion. Quietly, he looks over to the side of himself. Both his brothers are asleep, Remington passed out in the bed beside him and Sebastian sleeping in the other bed. He sits up with a sigh, feeling wide awake. In the midst of his thinking, he decides to go on a walk to see the house. He remembers he left his hat back in the van for some reason but he isn't sure he wants to go get it so he decides to go without it. Once he gets outside, the crystal seems to glow brighter. He starts his walk down the sidewalk silently and keeps an eye out for trouble, who knew who was out this late besides him. As he walks, he feels a strange feeling, as if something was pulling him. He brushes it off and keeps walking, glancing left and right. As he approaches the house, he feels even stranger. It was as if someone or something was watching him, even though he saw no one at all. After maybe 2 minutes or so of fidgeting with his phone's flashlight, he walks inside the surprisingly unlocked house. Inside, there were words on the wall of the main room. 'No one helped me' it reads, written in dark green letters against the sky blue walls. "Ok...this is odd so far.", Emerson says in a hushed tone, shining his flashlight around before finding stairs. In a slow paced walk, he goes up them. They creak under his feet but they don't give way, he notices the house might have only been sitting there for a short few years. Upstairs, he finds three rooms. A small bathroom which was wide open and slightly molding in the bathtub, what looks to be like an old music room with a broken door, and a closed door. He examines the closed door, wondering what might be on the other side. "Should I take my chance with that..?", He whispers to himself, walking to the door and touching the knob. It was cold, which was odd because it wasn't that cold outside. Emerson didn't even have to put a jacket on, he was just wearing what he tried to sleep in, a normal t-shirt and regular pants. He cautiously opens the door after mentally deciding to do so. What could possibly be in there? The door swings open and inside is a bedroom. A simple bedroom he assumes probably belonged to someone interested in rock or something similar, the room has black walls and the bed mattress is red with only a pillow. Everything looks pretty bare, there's a single nightstand and that's it besides a fan above the ceiling. For a second he swears he can see something there, wrapped around the center. He walks closer and takes a look, a rope is tightly held around the metal and a small piece dangles from the center near the light. After a moment of examining the room, he hears a crash in the hallway and jumps some. He turns and walks to the door again, pushing it open wider as he goes to exit. He talks in a low tone that's just above a whisper, "Hello? Is someone there?". The necklace stops glowing suddenly and he feels his arm turn a little cold. He freezes as he realizes the feeling of a hand in the cold spot on his arm. He turns with dread, now facing a man taller than himself, staring down at him with bloodshot blue colored eyes, his black hair messy. His dull eyes stare into Emerson's pale green ones, he can feel panic and fear all at once. The man's neck leans to the side and a rope is tied around his neck, blood dripping everywhere from the torn skin on his neck and from his mouth and eyes. His skin is white and a purple mist surrounds the man. Emerson feels his body starting to shake as he feels the man's cold hand grip his arm more. He realizes the rope is the same one on the ceiling fan, and the man's neck is either broken or messed up because most certainly...this man wasn't by any means alive.

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