Chapter 11

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Sebastian and Remington sit on the couch as they usually do over the weekends, Emerson had excused himself to stay a few days in another city and it’s a bit worrisome with everything that's been going on. Remington had spent the entire week trying to make a decision with Sebastian on what to do about Emerson’s behavior, Sebastian even went as far as calling their mom for assistance. All she told them to do was wait, But they both feel as if they’ve waited enough. At least Emerson did not appear to be getting worse, but that didn’t mean he was getting better. “We don’t know anyone in Anaheim, he could get hurt. I mean, he’s literally a drummer from a band. How could he go there and not be noticed.”, Remington states, in a frustrated tone. Sebastian shakes his head slightly and sighs, “That has nothing to do with anything, not everyone on the planet knows we exist. Even if we play in a certain place, that doesn’t mean people will actually know who we are.”. The younger one scoffs and glances at his elder brother, speaking in a sassy tone, “What about My Chemical Romance? Or Eminem? And maybe The Beatles?”. “Remington, they are extremely controversial compared to us. People LITERALLY argue about them, harass them, and argue with them over things they do and say because they're open and people won’t leave them alone. We’re not like them, people don’t actually care what we do because we’re not going online and fighting people or making comments about people who actually suck or something.”, Sebastian replies, seeming annoyed. Remington crosses his arms, “I wear skirts.”, he states. “So do the Scottish, feminie emo b-tch.”, Sebastian snaps back. In response to this, Remington sticks his tongue out at him, “Sure thing, 60’s piece of sh-t.”. The two stare at each other for a moment with full seriousness before laughing. “Ok, I have to admit, that’s one of the funniest endings we’ve had to an argument.”, Remington says, a wide grin on his face. Sebastian just nods, “Yeah, definitely.”. They both laugh again, like brothers do. But they’re interrupted by an urgent knock at the door. The first to stand is Sebastian, who walks to the door and hesitates to open it. “Do you think maybe it’s Emerson?”, Remington asks, wondering why his brother hesitated. It had been a few days without contact with Emerson and it would be odd for him to just show up if he wasn’t even talking before. Sebastian looks back at him, “What kind of stupid question is that, doofus? He wouldn’t knock on the door, he has a key.”. Remington rolls his eyes, “Well it was a nice thought. Why don’t you open the door?”, Remington replies. With a quick turn on his heels, Sebastian speaks a bit quieter, “I don’t know if I should open the door.”. There’s another knock after he says that. Whoever it is seems desperate to get their attention. Slowly, Sebastian unlocks the door and opens it, peeking out and seeing some guy at the door. “Who are you?”, he questions, looking the man over. “I’m Jake, is your friend here?”, the man asks, “He has something that he shouldn’t have ended up with.”. It’s odd how casual the man is being, he wasn’t familiar and he was being oddly calm and friendly. This only confuses Sebastian, “Um, only me and my two brothers live here. How did you know this was our house?”. “Someone told me that they sold something off and when I went to the shop they said they sold it to your, uh, brother right? I asked around a bit and I was told he lived here. His name’s Emerson, I need back what my friend gave away. Wait, are you him?”, Jake says, a sort of suspicion in his eyes. Sebastian sighs and puts his hands on his hips, “Emerson isn’t here. What are you looking for anyways? Because whatever it is, my brother bought it so it’s his decision to give it back. I personally can’t make him hand over whatever you need from him.”. The shorter man rubs the back of his neck, glancing off to the side. “It’s a necklace, it’s from a friend of mine that’s deceased. It’s the one thing that we were supposed to keep, but a friend f-cked up and sold it away..”, He mumbles. It sounds a bit like nonsense to Sebastian, luckily Remington steps in to reply, “Look man, our brother bought it and he isn’t here. If you really want to try and talk to him about it, come back-”. His sentence is cut off, though politely. “I can’t wait! It’s important that I receive it back.”, Jake doesn’t raise his voice but he sounds more pushy. The two brothers look at each other, Remington cracking a grin and Sebastian shaking his head. “Rem, no-”, Sebastian starts to say before glancing at Jake with a look of annoyance as his younger sibling laughs. The annoyance isn’t directed at Jake, but he’s still irritated, “Ok, ok…if it’s that important to you, I’ll call my little brother up and talk to him about it. He hasn’t talked to us in a while since he left a few days ago, so you shouldn’t expect us to actually get a hold of him.”. Sebastian picks his phone out of his pocket and finds Emerson’s contact, pressing the call button. The phone picks up after a moment, Sebastian having a shocked look as he hears the call being answered. “Hello?”, the voice says, it’s not recognizable to the brothers. Sebastian seems a bit concerned, “You’re not Emerson, how did you get his phone?”, he asks. “He’s showering right now so he can’t talk. But that doesn’t matter, you can f-ck off. He wants to be left the h-ll alone.”, and then the phone hangs up. The room falls silent, Sebastian staring at his phone in shock. “That was weird…”, Remington whispers, “It sounded like that guy was really mad and…his voice was so odd.”. They then both look at Jake, who has a horrified expression on his face. “Are you ok?”, Sebastian asks, trying to speak calmly. A light shudder causes Jake’s response to waver in tone, “We need to…find your brother now. I know that voice…I need to call my friends, your brother is in danger!”. “Hey woah, what do you mean?! What kind of danger is he in?”, Remington quickly questions. Jake hesitates before replying, “I’ll explain later, where is he?”, he asks. Did they really want to give him away? All they knew was the town, nothing else. There was no direction as to where he could be. Sebastian answers him,“Anaheim, but we don’t know anything else. He hasn’t even told us why he’s there.”, he says. Before either of them can say anything further, Jake hands Sebastian a piece of paper before he rushes out to his car and drives away. Sebastian glances at the paper, “It’s his number…I think he wants us to contact him?”. “He seems like a lunatic…but after what we heard on the phone…”, Remington says, trailing off. His brother replies to him, “Maybe he isn’t…the only real question here is…what the f-ck is going on here?”.

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