Chapter 2

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The bedroom feels colder as the tall man looks at Emerson silently, his bloodshot eyes scanning his body and landing on the crystal necklace. He seems to ease as he sees it and he releases Emerson's arm. On the other hand, Emerson is preparing to run but for some reason his body doesn't respond. The only light was gone, his phone now lays on the floor with the flashlight to the ground, he had dropped it when he somewhat panicked. "Do you want the necklace…?", Emerson manages to stutter out, his voice trembling with his lanky frame. For a second, the dull blue eyes stare at him. Did he actually wake the dead or was this just a dream? It feels too real to him, he can't even try to convince himself this isn't happening. He watches as the ghostly guy turns and slightly stumbles as he walks, his head straightening for a second with a sickening crack as he pulls something out of the closet built into the wall. Emerson carefully watches the man's movements, noting how his body seemed to lack control. The whole thing with his neck possibly being broken or fractured was probably causing him to walk and move strangely, even as a spirit if that's what he was. How he cracked it, seemingly back into place just temporarily, was beyond his understanding. He watches as the man brings him a doll-like item. It isn't just any regular doll, it's a ragdoll. A black cat ragdoll to be exact, with only one button eye. It looks a bit old but decently taken care of. The man hands the doll to Emerson, looking at him as blood drips from his eyes. Emerson cautiously takes the ragdoll cat in his hands and looks at it closely. He then glances up at the man, "Do you want me to have this?", He asks. The ghostly man nods just slightly before his neck cracks a bit and his head as well as his body swivel sideways some, he stumbles and tries to keep his balance, managing to stay standing. In honesty, Emerson really hates seeing such a scene. He feels horrible, especially because this man died from one of the worst deaths possible. There was no doubt that he died of suicide, unless someone strung him up which he doubts due to this guy's size. He was thin but pretty tall, and the grip on his arm earlier felt pretty firm. Maybe he was trying to be more gentle but he couldn't, he's sure that's because of his spine being damaged at his neck. "Thank you... I'll take good care of…", Emerson states and cuts himself off, noticing a tag on the doll's leg. It has writing on it, a name. Emerson looks up again, "Clockwork. Clockwork will be in good hands, I promise.". The man's face doesn't show any expression but he can tell that he's glad Emerson accepted the doll. "I should get going but... I'll come back tomorrow to say goodbye. Me and my brothers are going home..", he says, a sort of sadness in his tone. This poor spirit must be all alone here, but he can't do anything about that. Suddenly, there's another sound in the other room and he turns his head. When he turns it back around the man is gone and the house is silent. He hears his phone buzz and he picks it up, holding the ragdoll in one arm. It was a call from his brother Sebastian, dread fills his chest as he prepares to answer the call, "Oh f-ck…". As soon as he answers, he can hear his oldest brother's concerned voice, "Where the h-ll are you, Emerson? You're supposed to be at the hotel.", "I just went on a walk, I couldn't sleep.", "You know how dangerous it is for a famous drummer to be on the streets at this hour? Alone?", "I'm fine... I'm on my way back anyways.". Then there's a sigh on the other line, one he's all too familiar with getting from Sebastian, "Well, alright. Listen, when you get back, come inside and get your dumba-- to bed.". Emerson laughs a little as he makes his way downstairs to the front door, picking up on Sebastian's humor, "Alright, I love you.".  He couldn't help but imagine the smile on Sebastian's face after that. "I love you too. Be safe.", Sebastian says, before hanging up. Once he leaves the house he makes his way to the hotel and goes inside. After he slips his phone away he stops at the door to his hotel room and he holds the ragdoll up to get a good look at it. The necklace glows as he looks at it, somehow he feels a connection with the two items. It was a strange connection, he realizes he felt the same way when the ghostly man had touched him and when he felt so drawn to the house. How was he supposed to sleep on this? He could try, at least for Sebastian. The door opens after he knocks and he's met with his elder brother's face. "Welcome back, Em.", He says. Emerson smiles at this and walks past him before laying beside Remington in the bed. He holds the ragdoll to his chest and hopes that Sebastian didn't see it, he didn't want to tell him how he got it. He stays wide awake till morning.

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