1. The High school

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You are walking around the school going to your next class when you get bumped into by a girl you look at her she smiles and knocked your books out your hand you sighed. You get on your knees and clean them up after when you picked them up you stud back up and pushed up your glasses. The girl walked away laughing with her friends you continue to walk to your class you sit down in class and you see a cute boy that sits next to you, you look over at him and he looks at you he makes a familiar face that he remembers you. You both look away and class starts after class you put your books back in your bag and start to walk out the classroom when you were in the hall someone stopped you you wear a bit confused because no one talked to you they only talked to you to ask to do their homework. You turn around to see the boy that looked at you he was about to say something when the girl that pushed your books out your hand pulled him away. As she holds his arm walking away he looks back at you making it seem like he knows you, you were thinking in your head why did he want to talk to me and why do I feel like I know him? as you watch him walk away with that mean girl the bell rings it's time to go to lunch. As you were walking to the lunchroom you saw the same kid that looked at you in class but still with the mean girl. You look at him but walk right past him to get lunch you get in the cafeteria and you get your food you go to set down at a table with people but they quietly move thaire bag to the set you are agreeing to sit and tell you it was taken you sigh and sit in the back by yourself it wasn't new to you. You sat in the back eating when the mean girl walked over to you she looked you dead in the eyes you didn't say anything but then she took your milk and poured it all over your head you cried a bit everyone looked over to see you drenched in milk. The kid that looked at you in class watched this happen but in some way you felt like he felt bad for you.

"Shut the hell up your just a baby! WAWA!" The mean girl says laughing with her friends beside her laughing as well with The boy next to her in shock making you think he was going to flip! You run to the bathroom and locked yourself in the stall and Cried. You studd in the bathroom stall until you heard a group of girls walk in! You covered your mouth and stud on the toilet so they don't know your thiare.

"Omg did you see what happened with that ugly girl?" 

"Omg Yeah she's so ugly ugh"

"Can't relate!" 

You are standing on the toilet about to ball your eyes out until they left when they left you let go of your mouth and started to cry you felt so alone like no one liked you and you just wanted to be like the cool girls. You unlocked the door and walked to the mirror for a minute and you walked over to the other side of the bathroom to grab towels to wipe the milk off your clothes and hair and face as you are doing this you cry. (Skip to the end of lunch when you walked back in the cafeteria only to get your stuff) You walk back in there and people are laughing and pointing. You get your stuff and walk to your next class, when you were walking people whare bumping into you and laughing at you. You get to your next class and sit down people look at you and plug their nose you look around seeing everyone doing it you just drop your head in your hands trying not to cry! Class starts and you think in your head that you can get through it like everyday! (Skip to when class is done and it's time to go home) You get on the bus and you sit in the back alone thinking to yourself you're losing yourself. 

Thank you for reading this chapter this book is about things that actually happen in life so please be respectful to people think before do because you don't know how it can do to someone keep your head high we love you! Emily Bell <3

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