Psycho Ward

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90 odd years ago, people who claimed to be psychic were labeled as frauds and, rightfully so, until over the span of a month, 3 major psionic energy waves collided, one from the pacific ocean, and two coming from the poles, once they collided, those who lived on earth gained psychic abilities, such as chlorokinesis, pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, and the typical telekinesis, while a special few got more unique abilities.

When granted with these powers, society blew up into chaos, not only due to those malicious individuals intending to use their abilities for harm, personal gain, and the such, but also the impending approach of the entity called, "Cthulhu."

A 50-year battle ensued ending with human victory but major casualties, after the battle, some people began attempting to breed a new, greater race of humans with greater abilities than the last, intending to protect the people with these specially bred super psychics, unfortunately, those born from the experiments grew mad with power, but not consciously, they literally went insane due to them thinking their powers could leave the world they were made to protect decimated by their own hand if they made a single mistake, sometimes taking their own life, sometimes taking others so that they too will not have to suffer their deaths, either way, lead to tragedy.

Common day, 207X, life changed significantly to accommodate for those who gained psychic powers, such as machines to amplify one's powers, or to weaken powers for those whose powers are only destructive and fire off spontaneously.

Arthur, a 16 year old, has a unique version of telekinesis which has been dubbed, "God's Hands" (Arthur admits that he dislikes the name but can't change it on his P.S.Identification card)where his telekinesis is seen as varying hands which are physical objects instead of psychic manifestation, Arthur's family has fought for their country for generations on his mothers side,but Arthur's mother decided to end her service early in consideration of her families worry for her due to her military position, Arthur's father came from a farmer family and was a bounty hunter for rogue or vigilante psychics, but much like his wife, chose to begin another career path due to the risks his job required Due to this worlds psychic abilities, over the past 20 years, psychic abilities have been observed to evolve (dubbed psychovolution) to provide their user protection in a survival of the fittest manner, due to an abilities evolution being very prevalent in people, these evolutions can be inherited by their children. Arthur is one of these special cases, due to his father being a farmer and bounty hunter, his hands were calloused and strong which began to show in his telekinetic abilities, instead of being able to hold 2 or 3 objects with his telekinesis, his telekinesis began manifesting as multiple hands allowing him to hold up to 10 objects at once with his abilities (including his physical hands).

Arthur's mother was also a case of psychovolution, her family's lineage has always been very physically strong, being on the frontline of the Cthulhu war, and her powers manifested as a physical enhancement and due to the stress of being in the military her enhancement evolved into an aura surrounding her body, not only making her even stronger physically, it provided as an intimidation tactic, natural armor, and added a little range to her physical blows also being able to imbue objects with said aura (Arthur's hands have a constant aura which he can not disperse elsewhere or to himself).

Arthur moves to a part of the city with a high crime rate hoping for cheaper rent, food, and higher bounties to hunt.

Arthur, wishing to follow in his father's footsteps, wants to join the bounty hunters' society and ends up uncovering a conspiracy someone powerful has been concealing from the public since its conception.

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