The World Where a Jester Is King

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Street vendors, performers, and beggars have been long overlooked, but what were to happen if you were to delve a little deeper? These street inhabitants happen to be involved with a secretmagic underworld.

The strongest are allowed to re-enter magicless society under the guise that they are a non-threatening type. With mimes being great sorcerers, clowns being warriors that protect the magicless citizens, and street vendors being alchemic geniuses back in the magic world. Non-magical people may learn and find out about the world and perhaps gain a few mystical abilities such as Barbers, hairdressers, therapists, and anywhere where lots of gossips can spread. Theatre students learn about the mystical arts while covering as actors.

Bari comes from a line of royal jesters, truly powerful wizards capable of immense magical feats. He is hidden from the magic society as his parents do not wish for him to become corrupted by evil magic users. Coincidentally, he runs into another person from the magic underworld.

An evil magician typically disguises themselves as street magicians while stealing from those they perform on's belongings. Their name is Stylo, a criminal mastermind of the underworldwho commits petty crimes for fun in their off time. They are very powerful and have no set appearance aside from preferring the body of a man in his 70s. The main character follows Stylo into a secluded walled area and walks into a wall. Bari is baffled at the sight and attempts to recreate what Stylo did but runs flat into the wall.

Bari brings this up to his mother who has a look of shock on her face but brushes off what Bari asks and changes the topic. Bari attempts to bring it up with his mother again but sheignores him entirely and walks upstairs. one she reaches the second floor, she bolts for her room, locks the door, and calls Bari's father. Bari's father is a stage magician but what no one knows is that all of the acts he does are 100% real. Bari's father is on tour and was expected to come home in another 2 months or so. The bell rings. It's Bari's father, Abraham.Bari is freaked out and scrambles to greet his father.

Once Bari greeted his dad, his mom comes downstairs, ready to discuss. Bari finds out about his lineage, his mother is a jester descendant. The Jesters were a proud people who cursed theirown kind with a curse so they could only procreate with those who had an equal or greater amount of magic power than them. Due to a jester's power and curse, their children were always 100% jester, growing in magic power each generation. His father's side of the family was also of great interest, with his grandfather being king Arthur of Camelot. Pulling Excalibur from the stone, granted him immortality with great magic power. He had many lovers but only children with one of them, a maiden knew only as Cynthia. Bari's grandmother. Bari put together why his grandfather had so much paraphernalia but his grandpa always brushed it off as a "hobby".

Bari begins to train and learn about magic all while in his Jester attire to bring down a familiar foe.

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