A Psychic In a Magic World

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Our protagonist is a psychic living in the current world with psychics. He meets up with these fellow psychics and in doing so, massive psychic energy is held and blows the protagonist into a world of magic and swords called "Eine Andere Welt", due to the German name of this world, he wasn't the first to enter this world, and you definitely won't be the last.

The protagonist holds multiple types of psychic abilities but only at an average level, he can see his status in this world much like a video game, his class being "mage", indicating that hemay not in fact be a real mage, which we know is the case as this world doesn't know of the existence of psychics, except some certain people.

Being a below-average psychic in his old world, he could use all types of psychic powers but with limited use, though weak in our world, the variety and strength of these psychic skills are compared to seasoned wizards, with his only strong psychic skill being psychokinesis, his psychic attacks are often compared to massive "magic manifestations."

The skills he possesses are: psychokinesis, pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, astral projection, clairvoyance, precognition, ergokinesis, apportation, bilocation, energy medicine, dimensionaltelekinesis, hypnosis, and has minor control of magic through telekinesis.

most mages or wizards focus on one element to try to "master" though many fail at getting close to an intermediate level, some notable magic wielders can use 2 elements with proficiency, but our protagonist can use them all at a more than proficient level making him quite notable among magic users, average townspeople, parties, and even the adventurers guild.

Eventually, he begins to develop a second personality which splits his mind in two. Bringing about bouts of madness but increased strength and speed of his psychic attacks.

He starts his adventuring career not even knowing his own name.

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