2. Sacrifice

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Snape x y/n

Y/n's POV

I am currently in the Malfoy Manor. I am getting hostage by Voldemort and other death eaters. I am currently sitting in the chair while my two hands are tied on my back. They kept on asking me about the location of Harry Potter and his friends, but I will never betray them. Because of, not answering their questions, I continue to receive their punches and kicks, which result in bruising my body.

Minutes later, more death eaters entered the Manor including Severus, my dad. Everyone, including Voldemort knows the fact that he is my dad.

My dad looked at me worried, but he decided not to do anything.

I felt so weak and I think that my body is going to give up.

Bellatrix starts to give me Cruciatus Curse and I feel like I'm going to die. It is the most painful thing that I've experienced and it felt like one thousand white-hot knife are boring into my skin.

All I can do is to scream in pain while all the death eaters looked happy and some are even laughing.

Not long after they stopped the curse, Voldemort comes close to me and untied me from the chair. He then points his wand at me then asked Severus if is it okay if I would be killed.

I looked at my dad, expecting on what his answer would be.

Not long after, my dad replied while looking straight into my eyes.

"If that would make you happy, Master."

I lost all the little hope that I got after hearing what he said. I know that he can't do anything about it anyway. It is about Life and Death, whether I will live and he will be considered as a traitor or I have to die to show his faithfulness to the Dark Lord. He has already come this far and he can't lose all his hard work just for me.

After his reply, Voldemort pushed me to the ground. I am lying on the floor together with my spilling blood. I looked to Severus using my little bit strength and a little smile formed on my lips.

"Avada Kedavra"

The last thing that I heard from Voldemort before I closed my eyes.

March 3, 2022

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