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A few days after the New Years party,My family was going out for a party but I wasn't old enough neither was my little cousin rhea she was only 4 almost 5 so of course i was asked to look after her so  I did.My auntie finally arrived"hey y/n how are you!"she said holding Rhea
"I'm fine thank you how are you?"I ask taking rheas bags and putting them on the sofa"I'm all good thank you,so rhea is used to you cause u babysat her before but the main things are that  she goes to sleep at 8:30 in the bag there is pacifiers,diapers and her bottle just in case and her blanket and her favourite teddy is in there"my aunt said.woah that was a lot to take in"okay!"I say picking up rhea from my auntie"right I will pick her up tommrow around 12pm have a nice time girls!"she says kissing rhea and walking out the door"have a nice time!"I say before closing the door"right rhea what should we do?"I ask her sitting her on my lap on the sofa"paw patrol!"she says"okay!"I grab the remote and put on paw patrol.She lays down on the sofa and I put the blanket over her"right rhea you want a Samwhich?"I ask her and she nods yes.I walk into the kitchen and get the bread,ham and butter out until my phone beeps it was ash he said'hey ma,you comin over?'I replied with'I can't I'm babysitting my baby cousin for the day and tonight'I reply not soon after he replies with'well can I come over to yours ma?'I reply with'yes of course the door is unlocked just walk in!'I put my phone down and start making her samwhich,once I finished I go to the sofa and grab her bag and take it into the kitchen,I pull out her beaker and go into the fridge to get juice while I'm looking I hear the door open probably ash,well it was so I grabbed the squash and poured it into the beaker"hey ma!"ash says wrapping his arms around my waist"hey ash!"I say kissing him and walking into the living room to see rhea laying there"okay rhea sit up so we can eat!"I say sitting her up and giving her the plate of food"hey rhea!im ash"ash says to rhea"hello ash"rhea replies laughing I get up from the sofa and walk in the kitchen and look and I saw ash and rhea laughing on the sofa I thought it was too cute,I looked at the time it's was 2pm"hey rhea!once you finished eating should me and ash take you to the park?"I ask her"yes yes yesss!"she saids quickly eating her food"don't rush rhea u might get sick"ash says laughing"I'm just going to get my shoes on okay guys?"I say walking into my bedroom I pick my grey jordans and put them."you guys ready?"I say walking out the room to see ash putting rheas shoes on"yes let's go!"rhea says jumping of the chair,she grabbed my hand and then grabbed ash's hand too.We walked all the way there"I'm going on the swings can you come push me y/n?" She asks letting go of our hands"of course come on let's go"I say grabbing her hand and taking her over to the swings I push for around 5 minutes until the icecream truck came"oooo!can we get icecream"rhea says jumping of the swing"of course let's ask ash too!"I say following her"ashh!"she shouts to get his attention,she runs up to him and ash grabs her and picks her up"what's up rhea?"ash asked"icecream!"she says pointing to the truck"she wanted icecream"I said laughing"okay ma,let's go get icecream!"ash says still carrying rhea,we order the icecream and sit down on the bench"rhea it's getting sunny you need sun cream"I say grabbing it out the bag and putting some in my hands,I put it on her arms,legs and face"okay you can go play now!"I say as she runs of,I move over so I'm directly infront of ash"your cute you know ma?"she says kissing my cheek,I smile"your handsome you know ash?"I say smiling"I think we better go it's already 4:30pm"ash says"I will go get rhea"he says getting up from the bench,I pack up all the stuff and put it in my bag.Ash comes back over to me with rhea on his shoulders"hi y/n!"rhea says"hi rhea"I say laughing.We start walking back to the house after what felt like ages with was almost at home"ashy can u stay here tonight with me and y/n?"she says patting his head"ashy?"ash says laughing"and yes I can stay here"he says looking at me,i was laughing at the fact she called ash ashy.I unlock the door and go straight to the kitchen and put in a pizza for us all"ight rhea what should we watch?"ash asks picking up the remote"hmm how about barbie!"rhea says pointing to the tv"ok rhea if you say so he says laughing and coming into the kitchen with me"what you coming ma?"he says hugging me from behind"pizza cause there is nothing else to have"I say laughing.Me and ash go sit down on the sofa with rhea and watch barbie with her,I can't believe she find this amusing.the oven beeps"oo here's our pizza"I get up going to get it out the oven and sliced it I gave half to rhea and half to ash.I walk round and gave them both there plates"thank you y/n!"rhea says taking the plate of me"thank you ma"he says kissing me I sit down on my phone until I realised it was almost 7:30pm.The both finished eating and ash talk out the plates"okay rhea it's time to get u ready for bed,you want a bath now or in the morning?"i ask picking her up"hmm now!"she says as we walk into my room"ash, I'm going to bath rhea I will be back in a min"I shout"ight ma!"he shouts back,I fill the bath up and put in bubble bath and her ducks and stuff"right i will be back okay?"I say walking out the room living the door open slightly"okay!"she says splashing around.I go into the living room and grab her pjs and go back in my room and lay them on my bed."Right rhea time to get out cause it's already 8pm!"I say getting the towel and picking her up,I wrap the towel around her and sit her on the bed and get her dry.once she was all dry we put on her pjs and layed her in my bed"you want a hot chocolate rhea?"i ask before I leave the room"yes please!"rhea says"you want a hot chocolate ash?"i ask walking past the living"I'm fine thanks ma"he says sitting on his phone.I make the hot chocolate and take it into my room where rhea was watching paw patrol"here you go little princess"I say as she giggled at the name"y/n,can you and ashy come and sit down with me pleaseee"she begs"okay I will go get ashy"I laugh"hey ash,rhea wants us to lay down with her before she goes to sleep"I laugh"ight ma"he says laughing and getting up to follow me"ashy!!"she shouts"rheaaaa!"he shouts back getting in the bed to sit by her"right rhea drink up your hot chocolate and go to sleep okay?"i say putting her hair in a hair tie.she drinks it up and starts to go quiet"I love you both!"she says hugging us both before shutting her eye"I love you too rhea"ash says smiling"I love you aswell princess"I say kissing her forehead and turning of the tv."night ma,love you" he says reaching over to kiss me"night ash,love you too"I say kissing him back.
Hope you guys enjoyed this it was abit random but oh well!💓💓

ashtray💍 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora