Sofia POV - Introduction

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Where to begin....

I'm Sofia Mackintosh, age 15.

I suppose I live a somewhat different life to most people. My family are extremely wealthy - they have been for generations. We own large estates across all of Europe, many of which I've never even visited. I've had pretty much everything handed to me on a plate - quite literally, we even have our own maid, Anabeth, who bring us our food at meal times.

My father was the mayor of a region in Sweden, before we moved to England when I was eight. I painted my fluency in the language but my younger siblings Henrick and Olivia take Swedish lessons weekly to help them learn.

My father is no longer a mayor, but now works in business like my mother. I prefer it that as it means my siblings and I get to see him more.

I play the harp and ice skate - expensive hobbies but as long as we have the budget, why not? I enjoy chatting, shopping, and a spot of dancing in front of the ensuite mirror.

I go to the local private school in town. It's full of rich kids but I still feel of out of place - I can't really complain though... for fucks sake I have my own private petting zoo at home!

I have a small group of friends at school that accept me for who I am, my closest probably being Shani - tall, half Taiwanese and artsy. I felt like she understood me best out of anyone. We had never had an argument before and it didn't seem like we ever would. We can talk about anything together, even secrets we haven't shared with anyone. But there is one thing I haven't told her....

I have a... thing.. for boys. Ugh, I know that sounds really weird, but hear me out. Short boys, and I'm not talking 5'6 or 5,5, I mean SHORT short boys, complete my heart. I love their small little legs and how they have to move them back and forth at lighting pace just to keep up with my walking stride. How I rest my arm on they're head while we sit together, and how their voices are so high pitched and sound like the chorus of birds in the morning. I can't picture my life without a miniature husband by my side to complete me.

Shani is always trying to set meuo with regular-sized or even tall guys and it breaks my heart that I can't tell her the truth that I'm after short boys, because she will just not understand and tease the living shits out of me.

All this societal pressure for a girl to marry a taller guy... why does it have to be this way? I live such a privileged life, but does it really mean anything if I can't be with whom I want.

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