Chapter 4 - Officer Wilde - Shani's POV

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My eyes weighted down my head all day, giving my headaches and making it difficult to concentrate. All this artwork I had to do was driving me mad. I had brought ciagrettes to school in my pocket to relieve the pain but even they didn't seem to work.

Monday's are never great but today was something else. Art studio was at the local boys school which was partnered with the girl school but located on be other side of town, meaning a strenuous walk was required to get from one campus to another.

As it was my first time going and I didn't want to be late, I took the shortcut. It was dimly lit and in the dodgier side of town, but I didn't have much of an option if I wanted to make a decent first impression.

It was cold, and I felt uneasy walking alone in the increasingly darkening sky. A long, thin tunnel under a bridge was approached and I took a deep breath before I walked through.

Inside was a guy, leant against the tunnel wall. He was a fox, dressed in what appeared to be a green Hawaiian shirt, tie, dark sunglasses and dark-coloured chinos. An odd outfit combination for the freezing temperature, but it was stylish and he knew it.

I played it cool, trying to avoid much eye contact with him and keep to myself, but my longing was too great and I ended up accidentally giving him the eye.

He noticed the look I gave him and smirked, focused. I walked on, blushing.

All of a sudden the fox dashed in front of me, obstructing my path. I halted, taken aback.

"Hey?!" I yelled at him. I was dead scared but wanted to not show it. I had no clue what was going on.

"Officer Wilde reporting..." He pulled out a walkie-talkie from his trouser pocket. "Take out your cigarettes, madam."

He said this so nonchalantly and I was bewildered. How could he possibly know I had cigarettes on me?

"I have an extremely trained sense of smell" he winked, reading my mind.

I stood still, not knowing what to do. I reached into my blazer pocket and handed over the packet. He took it in his silky red paw.

"Please, Officer, I've had a really tough day, this is a one off. Please don't report me..." I begged him clenching my palms together, sweating uncontrollably.

He could sense how afraid I was, and gave me a relaxed smile to calm my nerves.
"Alright. Just this once, I'll be kind and let you off. But next time, with any other uncover policeman, you won't be so lucky." He picked back up his walkie talkie to his hear. "Judy, false alarm, nothing to worry about, over"

I thanked him greatly and reached out my hand for the cigarette packet his in his paw. He darted his hand back and the sudden unexpected motion of it caused me to fall forwards into him. My chest touched his cotton green shirt and the scent of rich cologne lingered around me. His fur beneath was thick and soft, like a stained orange blanket, and his warmth was what I imagined paradoce felt like.

We leapt off each other, brushing ourselves down and trying to conceal the awkwardness of the moment with uneasy laughter.

"You have some fast reflexes!" I said, utterly impressed.

"I'm a cop, it's part of the job" he grinned a smug expression. "And..." he shoved my cigarettes he was still holding into his trouser pocket. "I'll be holding on to these. Might teach you a lesson about underage smoking, eh?"

I rolled my eyes subtly, but he noticed.

"Smoking kills. And I wouldn't want to see someone with your complexion turn into those people on the back of the cigarette packets." He laughed and turned around, heading back to the tunnel wall.

A super attractive undercover police officer fox just basically said I was pretty?? I couldn't believed what had just happened. Within the space of those few minutes or so, I already developed a huge crush on the guy. A new record time for myself.

'Officer Wilde' I thought to myself. I hope we meet again.

I was so lost in my own head, I hadn't realised I had reached the boys school art studio. I pulled back one side of the large, doubke oak doors, and entered the room.

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