Shani POV - Introduction

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I'm Shani Dixon, (15)

I was born on Demember 6th, Boxing day, 2006, three months premature. I'm told it was a cold Christmas that year and I looked like a shrivelled walnut no bigger than a child's cupped hands.

I grew up with my mum and dad, until Mum left to work full-time in Hong Kong, leaving the house to me, Dad, and Kevin our Irish red and white setter.

I had a good childhood, a little messy in places, but overall nothing notable to complain about. Though my Mum wasn't with us most of the time, I adopted her love for art, spending hours in my bedroom creating watercolour prints and digital drawings on my tablet.

In terms of money, I wasn't close to the richest at school, but we were comfortable and that's all that mattered.

Sofia was my bestfriend at school. She had cornflower hair and a face smooth like butter. We were very different in many ways, and we acknowledged that, but this only made our friendship grow stronger.

Though I wasn't the most outgoing of people - I was too introverted to be naturally confident in public - my appearance made a staggering contradiction. I was known for my alternative fashion sense and edgy styles in everything I wore. From my dark bangs and shoulder-length hair, to my ripped black jeans and beanies, I was the epitome of an emo girl and I wore it with pride.

Sofia, on the other hand, was the princessy type, with her pink skirts and floral print dresses. She was rich enough she was practically royal, and she really dressed the part. She had all the boys and well some of the girls as well, head over heels for her, but she never seemed interested in any of them. She was my bestfriend and I adored her, but I never could understand why she wouldn't give ang of the boys I suggested to her a chance...

In terms of who I liked, no one at school really had what I was looking for. I try not to be too picky, but everyone is way too bland and childish. I wanted someone with some dark blood running through their veins; someone I would excited by when they entered the room.

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