Chapter 1

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First Person– Ross' Point Of View

Today was a great day. It was the day of my 1 month anniversary with my girlfriend, Annabeth. I know how girls make a big deal about celebrating that time you spent together with a special soul once in a while for I, myself, am somewhat like them as well.

Words cannot describe the joy I have being with her.

My family's been telling me that she's not 'the one' for me, but they don't know her the way I do. I know that's what most guys usually say, but unlike them, I mean it.

I would do anything for her.

I've decided to finally set up my surprise for her. I just know that she'll love it.


I checked my watch and see that it's already 12 noon. I was supposed to meet up with Annabeth 2 hours ago.

Being the curious person I am, I decided to check on her.

The moment I set foot on her home's doormat, I hear muffled voices, but thankfully, I was able to make out on what they were saying.

"So how's the plan going?"

"Exactly in place sir. I have him wrapped around my finger."

"Great job Annabeth. Now I want you to wait until he is in his most vulnerable state and tear him apart bits by bits, taking away his money with you."

"Wasn't that always the plan?"

I couldn't take it anymore. With the continuous words Annabeth and her 'boss' stuck, hitting replay in my head, it infuriated me. It saddened me. It confused me.

I knew our relationship was too good to be true. I just wished that she didn't do what she just did there. I should have listened to my family's repeated warnings. I should have gave up after what happened with Riley. I should have stopped believing in true love.


Ever since I was a little boy, I dreamed of performing. I dreamed of inspiring others. I dreamed of setting that awesome vibe musicians back then gave off to their fans.

Ironically, nowadays, I've been wishing to take it all back. Don't get me wrong, I truly love music and it's connection with the fans and I, but I just don't like the fame that comes with it.

Most people tell me that it's the 'perfect package', but right now, I don't think both can ever go together again. It may be because the fame has gotten into my head, but honestly, it hasn't. It may be because I don't enjoy the fame at all, which is both true and untrue.

I love my fans. They're that special thing that keeps my band and I going, but because of that, whenever I meet new people or in other words, strangers, they think of me as a higher person than them, and because of that, they either become fake ideal stereotypes or devious, sinister people that use me.

The world as we know it now has become a wretched, messed up place. Who knew how manipulative people would be. I, for one have experienced tons of relationships, but after thinking it all through, I wouldn't even consider them as a relationship because they're all fake.

They've all used me. They've all only wanted 'popular and rich' Ross. They never wanted the genuine and free love that I gave to them, and now, I can say that I finally know all their moves.


After witnessing everything that just happened before me, I didn't know what to do. I'm not the type of person who would all of a sudden, freeze. I'm a man of action.

So with that, I decided to run. Run as far as my legs can take me. I want to run away from this fake drama. I want to run away from this fake town. I want to run away from this fake world.

But sadly, I can't.

Just like the rest of the people in this world, I have to suck it all in and go with the flow. I feel like the people that I can only trust now is my family. No one other than that. No other girl than that.

And I'm afraid that the reason may be because I'm not going to be the same Ross anymore. I'm not going to believe that there will be hope for me to experience what true love really is because no one will ever take me for just regular me. They want so much more than that and sometimes, I'm tired of giving.

I'm tired of being the one who has to lose the games. I'm tired of having to clean up all the mess and pretend like nothing happened all the time. No, I'm not going to stoop low like the others and be a manipulative person; I'm simply going to give up.

I'm not going to bother trying anymore.

And you want to know why?

Well it's because,

I give up with love.


Hi! I have a new story again. I've decided to delete my amateur Raura stories and start over. I feel like it will convey the real me with the new ones🙈.

I apologize for the short chapter😅. I promise that it'll get longer. I just have to start off with short chapters, so I won't have to give off too much info🙎🏼.

So, I hope that you can give feedback on how this story is so far (with chapter 1) so I'll know if I should go on or not. Don't forget to vote and leave a simple hi😚👋🏼. Until then!


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