Chapter 7

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Third Person Omniscient Point of View

Song of the Chapter: How To Save A Life by The Fray

//not edited


That's what Ross wanted to do right now.

Escape from this world, escape from life, escape from this conversation, escape from this girl.

Now and again, he was stuck in a dilemma, hence his messed up, unorganized thoughts- and he had to make a decision, quick.


It erupted inside of him again. Peer pressure? Perhaps, and it wrecked his relaxing aura from just a few minutes ago, completely eliminating it and making it disappear.

Ross then felt pain- actually, more of a thumping ache of hardness by his abdomen area and head, seemingly appearing as something familiar to him.

His massive body ache- let's call that that for now -ruthlessly mocking him was definitely no help whatsoever to him as well.

It worsened everything for him, and Ross has experienced instances when he made regretful decisions out of giving into pressure.

Without hesitation, Ross got up, and tapped the girl's shoulder, disturbing her from her train of thought, staring at her and his lips quivered.


"I'm off to sleep." Ryland echoed, as it spread around the house, bidding his family that was seated in a somewhat comfortable position in the living room a goodnight and headed upstairs.

"Hey Ross, I need girl help." Ryland barged in Ross' room, not looking up from his phone and plopping down right on the seat in front of him.

No response.

Ryland then looked up from his phone, hands still texting his girlfriend mushy and lovey-dovey texts that he didn't exactly mean.

He saw nothing but air before him, and decided to carefully dropped his phone down on the freshly painted wooden table.

Not letting panic control Ryland, he looked around Ross' room wondering if Ross left a note or hint on where he may be heading.

Ross' closet? Nothing but clothes.

Ross' drawers of writing/drawing materials? Nothing but that.

Ross' bed? Bingo.

Just under Ross' pillow, Ryland spots a letter folded in a complicated manner and slowly unfolded it, not causing any rips or tears, and read on.

And boy, did he know that he was going to be dead meat to Ross.


"Bye." Ross mouthed, standing up and preparing to leave, not giving the brunette the chance to react and rushed outside.

Ross then drove out of the gym, taking note of the location for next time and headed to the hospital.

He parked his vehicle right next to the teal- colored Honda in front of the hospital that oddly looked a little familiar, but in the desperate need of comfort, he shook it off and dashed to the very back of the hospital.

He then sighed of relief at the sight of the tiny flag, stabbing the moist, fertile grass-less soil.

Panting heavily, he approached the flag and dug through it with his bare hands, not stopping until he came across a coffin.

Riley Matthews


"She will be remembered for her courageous spirit and loving, gentle heart. May she rest in peace in heaven"

Where did he go wrong? Ross would've asked himself.

He lost possibly the best person he has ever came across and look where she is because of him....


He knew it was all his fault, and he was eternally guilty for it.

The guilt never really got to him, but now.

It was consuming him, alive.

"Ross? You'll do fine." A tiny voice echoed.

He jolted up, observing his surroundings, to ascertain that it was just his head.

He then looked back at the hidden coffin, sympathetically feeling guilt and sorrow for his past actions.

He glanced at his muddy hands, realizing that he was wrong after all, assuming that people were horrible beings, when he, himself was no better than those cheaters.

He was a monster of his own- and unlike others who could move on, he wasn't so sure if he could recover.

"What are you doing here?" An oh-so-familiar voice welcomed the gloomy environment.


..are you guys going to kill me? Haha, sorry for the cliffhanger, it was really unintentional (maybe). So, how's an update every 2 weeks- or do you want my updates to be once a week like before? I need to know your answers here, haha. (This will be the QOTC of the chapter?)


Apple Pie: if you think the person who spoke was one of the Lynch's (Ryland)

Banana Waffle: if you think the person who spoke was the brunette Ross met at the party/gym

Orange Muffin: if you think the person who spoke was one of the girls Ross used to date


Mango Ross: if you think the person who spoke was some random nurse/hospital personnel that Ross knows

Every time I update here, I usually update at my Auslly story too- but I'm too lazy today. I know, that's like my number one problem, laziness. Hahaha. That's all for now I guess. Till next time!

Peace out! ☮


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