On the sea

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Opening my eyes to see that I was in a new room. It was a captain quarters of a ship (no shit Masha) it was big and roomy. Getting up slowly to feel the ground or floor was rocking side to side. 'Am I at sea? Was that all a dream and brother got us on a ship?'

"Knock knock can I come in?" Looking over to the door and smiles. "Yes and who mite be there?" The door with Kidd standing there, then he walks in. Smiling at him as he walks over and sits next to me. "Did ye'r sleep well?"

"Да, I did, are we on your shi'p?" He blinks at me then smiles. 'Crap my accent getting in my way, when I don't want it to be' he kisses my head then gets up. Grading my hand polling me up to him. " Yes we'r are hehe I love how you talk. I still want to know where ye'r from."

Rolling my eyes as we walk in deck with the sun blinding me. Blinking till my eyes could see again, looking over to see Kidd walking to the top. "SET SAIL TO KINGSTON!" He yells as his men start running all over, doing what he said. Walking to were he is, and standing next to him as the ship starts moving out of Nassa. On its way to Kingston, with Edwards ship and Thatch ship behind us.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ four days later
I push Masha off the bed to wake her up. She sat up right away, and looking around. Getting up to have her glare at me. "Why did you do that?" Trying not to laugh, as I walk out of the room with her following me. Open the hatch to be blinded my the sunlight.

Walking up to the top of my ship to see Kingston coming closer, and closer. Masha was by me soon after. Looking back to see Edward and Thatch close behind us. Getting close to the dock, and coming to a stop and dock the ship. Walking off with Masha close behind me. Walking to were the other are, then walking to the bar.

"So you know why we are here Kidd?" Looking over to thatch as we got a set. "Yes I do, and what are we going to do with Masha here? She will not leave my side you know," looking over as her to see her drinking something in a different language. She seem to like it by the away she looks wrong not caring what we are talking about.

"I have a place that she can go. It will help us cause the place only allows women to go there." My eyes widen at that, a little fire started to burn in my stomach. Edward must have saw that cause he tapped Masha's arm. She turns to me, then to Thatch. "Where mite that be? I would love to help."

Thatch nods at that, her smile is just so beautiful on her face, he green eyes seem to have stars behind them right now. "It is just a little bar, more like the back of it where all the women get changed and get ready. So are you up for that? " She got up and taking the last big swing, she set the battle down. "Just show me where it is. And I'll help you."

Take her battle as Thatch and her walk out of the bar. Take the rest of what was left in it and drinking it. Edward watch me as I curl of coughing. "M-my God is that strong." Ed bursts out laughing at me as I fall down still coughing. "H-how could she d-drink that?" He leans down to my level.

"She is not from her and I don't know where, but she must have a strong gut to drink that." looking up into his blue eyes then getting back into my feet. "Yre know something yo'r an ass. And how can Thatch take my girl away from me like that?! So what if I am a woman too Edward I don't care." He blinks at he then sighs. Putting a hand in me and shaking my a little.

"I know Kidd but you can't go off like that to anyone. Just make sure she does not know how you really are. Masha must not know Thatch does not know. It's just you and me, let's keep it like that." Nodding at that. 'Right Thatch does not know, and Masha must not know too' Walking out with Edward behind me, heading to where we will be meeting Thatch at.

Sorry that it took me SO long, I had school and I got all rapped up into. Sorry around I'll try to do more now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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