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They arrived at the hotel where the gala was taking place right at eight when it was supposed to start, and there were glorious dresses, suits, and high end cars dropping people off all over the place. Steve got out of the car first and walked around to the other side, opening the door for her and extending his hand out. She took it and got out of the vehicle, and they were off, arm in arm through the main door. She felt as if all eyes were on them as they walked into the building, but she took a deep breath, reminding herself it was just another mission. They both mingled among the crowd, making small talk here and there with others while they looked for their targets.

"Targets are all walking in together." They heard their liaison say over the intercom.

"Copy that." Steve responded softly as they turned so they were facing the entrance. He kept his hand on the small of her back, which surprisingly comforted her while they walked around, scoping the area out.

"There they are." She informed as three men in suits similar to Steve's came walking in. They matched the images that were in the files, and they all seemed to be friends already.

"Don't approach right away, let them get comfortable, then one of you lead the conversation." They heard in their ear, which was their plan anyway.

"Care to dance?" Steve asked as the music began to pick up, and she smiled.

"It would be rude to say no, now wouldn't it?" She joked as she took his hand. He guided her to the dance floor, where other guests and their dates had the same idea. They danced and continued to grow closer to the three bosses, who were overlooking the party and talking amongst themselves.

"Alright, bump into them and we'll go from there." He told her, and she nodded as they got closer, and she did her part and accidentally bumped into Edgar Vagoni. She instantly turned around, a look of apology on her face.

"I am so terribly sorry, are you alright?" She asked quickly, and she could see the wheels turning in his head as his eyes scaled her body.

"Oh, it's not a problem. I know it's a little crowded in here." He responded with a light smile. "Edgar." He greeted.

"Kelly, and this is my husband Nick." She said, and the two of them shook hands. "What's your last name if you don't mind me asking? You look vaguely familiar."

"Vagoni, Edgar Vagoni." He answered, now noting her accent.

"That's who I thought you were! You run that huge tech company in Berlin, correct? I grew up in Germany." She responded with a smile on her face, and he instantly lit up at the notion.

"Yes, I do. Are you still in Germany?" He asked her.

"No sadly, I grew up there then spent some time in Russia before moving to the US to attend MIT." She responded.

"Ah, so you're a tech person as well, ja?" He asked, and she nodded along.

"My husband and I actually run a tech company ourselves, Levinson Industries." She answered, and he nodded along.

"I don't think I've heard of it." Edgar responded, and she just smiled.

"We're a relatively new company still trying to get on the map." Steve responded for her.

"Then you've come to the right place." He smiled, waving his associates over. "Franklin, Warren, this is Kelly and Nick from Levinson Industries, a new tech company in the States." He introduced, and they all shook hands, the men kissing the back of hers in greeting.

"Nice to meet you all." She responded as Steve put his hand on the small of her back again, seemingly protecting her.

"So you two run a company together?" Franklin asked, his southern Louisiana accent protruding.

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