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[ I apologize for the bit of time jumping that is going to take place between this chapter and the next! Only a few more chapters left! ]

Regardless of Thanos telling them that the stones were destroyed, the seven of them still tore the place apart in hopes that for once the titan was indeed lying about the stones. However, Nebula was right - her father was not a liar, and the stones were nonexistent. Eventually they gave up their grid sweep and made it back to the Benatar, everyone's hopes diminished as they came back with even less information to work with. They strapped in and made their way home, their jump through space silent. They landed some time later, and it was now dark on Earth, and she hoped that Tony was still in the infirmary, even though another part of her hoped he was not so she did not have to deliver the bad news. Once they landed, they all unboarded and made their way back to the compound, defeated.

"Get some rest everyone. We'll pick things back up tomorrow." Steve told them, and they all dispersed, not thinking twice about keeping at it. They had a long road in front of them now that the stones were destroyed, so they needed to preserve their energy.

"Are you joining me tonight?" Steve asked her as everyone dispersed. Lately since mostly everyone knew about them, they spent more nights together, which she found had eased her mind and she slept mostly through the night now.

"I'll meet you." She responded with a small smile, reaching down and squeezing his hand before turning to head up to the medical wing.

"Are you ever going to tell him?" He asked, and she turned to him, walking backwards.

"When the time is right." She answered. "If anything Pepper knows."

"Might be better coming from you." He called after her as she made her way up the stairs, and she knew he was right. Pepper was one thing, but it coming from her would be the most sensible. It was late, but she went upstairs and found that Tony was awake talking with Pepper, so she knocked on the door as to not invade their privacy.

"Oh good, you're back alive." Pepper said, getting up from her seat and hugging her. She welcomed the hug even though she was not a hug person, then looked at Tony.

"I have a feeling it didn't work." Tony said softly, and she nodded.

"Thanos used the stones to destroy the stones. There's no sign of them anywhere." Emilia responded with a small sigh. "We're going to start fresh in the morning, I just figured I would let you know."

"I appreciate it." He told her with a small smile.

"Well, goodnight then Mr. Stark, Ms. Potts." She said to them, turning to go out of the room.

"Emilia, hold on." Tony requested, and she stopped in her tracks, turning around.

"Yes?" She responded.

"Two things - one, when are you ever going to call me Tony? I thought we were past all that." He asked her, and she sighed.

"I don't have an answer for you." She sighed, for the truth would hurt him. She still addressed him formally because she still did not believe she had gained his trust and respect, even though he had proved that she did numerous times now. She still had tried to kill him months ago, and now, even as a part of the Avengers, she still did not believe she was in his good graces, especially since she had been sneaking around with Steve.

"Fine, second thing. How long has this thing been going on between you and Rogers?" He asked, and she froze as if he had read her mind, and she looked over to Pepper, who mouthed the word 'sorry' to her.

"Look, I know your rules-" She started, but he quickly dismissed her explanation with a wave of his hand.

"My rules were in place for a reason. They're for your protection as well as everyone else's." He raised his voice at her, and she could tell he was angry.

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