Sunset Lover ▪︎°《🖤/☁️》°•

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▪︎°《There may be little feelings in this chapter, like love, sorrow, something along those lines. Sorry!》°▪︎

There's something about the sunset that always calms me. I don't know why it does, but it does.
It's kinda funny, to be honest. When I was younger I'd hated sunsets because it meant that the day was over and that I'd have to go to sleep.
Then something happened.

▪︎°《Story Time》°▪︎

I used to have a lot of woodland friends who would come into our garden. I and my siblings thought of them as our woodland pets since our mother refused to let us get an actual pet.
Over time, more and more came. I became attached to them, but I got attached to one animal in particular. A brown, black and white bunny. I loved them so much that I made stuff for them. I made it a little house, which I'm pretty sure mama's torn down by now. I gave it baby carrots as a snack every day before I left for school. I gave it a tiny bow that was black and white.
And since I came home closer to sunset, I'd call out to the bunny and we'd sit on the front porch and watch the sunset.

Then, I couldn't find it. I looked everywhere, even in the little forest in front of our house. My bunny was a no-show. I cried for hours in front of the forest, eventually, my sister saw me and took matters into her own hands and went to go look for it.
Then she came back out after about 15 minutes, but she looked sad. I asked her if she had found our bunny friend and she said she did but that something happened to it. I didn't understand what she meant by that, so I asked her to show me.
She was reluctant to, but held her arms out to me: and there my bunny was, cradled in my sister's arms. I told her that the bunny looked fine and that it looked like it was sleeping, but my sister shook her head. She told me that one of the other foxes had gotten to the bunny before she did, but she had scared it off before it ate it.
She said that the bunny was dead. I couldn't believe it, I tried hard not to. But as soon as I touched the bunny and it didn't move or twitch its nose, I started sobbing. It was like I was crying an entire ocean. I just couldn't stop.

Then my brother came out with my dad and mom. Dad asked my sister what happened and she told them.
Mom said that I shouldn't be crying over an animal and that it was stupid of me to do. Then she went back inside.
Dad tried his best to comfort me, telling me that when I get older he might find me another to keep as a pet. And I believed him with all my heart, because he was my dad, and he knew how much I loved the bunny.
And soon enough, sunset came. Everybody went back inside, having a perfect family dinner. Speaking nicely to each other and being happy. And there I was, sitting on the front porch with the bow I gave my bunny watching the sunset.
I couldn't be bothered by anything, not even food. When my brother came and told me that dinner was ready, I told him I wasn't going to eat it. I told him to bring me a few baby carrots to eat, and he did.

▪︎°《Back to the Present》°▪︎

This is why Snowball is so important to me.
(Snowball is what Aliza named her bunny from the "Pet" Chapter)
Without her I don't know what I'd do, to be honest with you.

"Hey, Aliza?" Sans called. I look over at him, he wasn't fiddling with one of his axes like he usually was. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the garden with me. To stare at the sunset, Snow can be with us too if you want," Sans asked. I nodded, picking up Snowball.
Sans presses his button near his bed and eventually, someone came to let us out. We walked along the hallway until we found the garden.
"Come with me, there's a hidden pathway in these bushes," Sans said. He pushed a few bushes out of the way and I trailed behind him. I didn't know where he could be taking me, especially that's through bushes.

After about a minute or two of walking through the bushes, there was a little bench. A few flowers were growing around it, and I think I saw a few creatures running around. "Somebody before us, probably a little older than us, made this place," Sans said. "I found out maybe about a week before you came."
Sans sat on the bench and patted the area next to him. I sat next to him and Snowball jumped into my lap.
The sun was starting to set, it looked really pretty from this side of the city. Maybe even pretty than from where I live. I felt calm watching the sunset with Sans. I appreciate Sans for doing this for me as well, he really didn't have to. I actually kinda see him and Papyrus as some of my closest friends, maybe they might be my next two best friends. I'm sure Frisk and Chara wouldn't mind.

Sans and I's hands were close to each other, practically touching. Just a reach of one of our pinkie fingers and we'd be touching. And that's what Sans did, but he seemed reluctant to do it. So I smiled at him and opened my hand so we could hold them. He placed his hand onto of mine and we closed our fingers together. I think I could see a faint blush on his cheek, but I didn't address it.
I guess it was his first time holding hands with someone other than his brother. "Thanks for being by me and my bro's side for so long, Aliza," Sans said. "Maybe as a thank you, we can teach you sign language to help you communicate." I nodded and there we sat, just two friends looking at the sunset together.

▪︎°《1058 words on total.》°▪︎
▪︎°《Thanks for reading this chapter》°▪︎

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